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New Relic Addition Ceremony at Maria Stein Shrine
The Shrine of the Holy Relics will add relics of Saits. Pope John Paul II, Marianne Cope, Andrea Bassette, and Blesseds Francis Xavier Seelos and Solanus Casey, as well as other new relics, to its Relic Chapel with a special ceremony at the Shrine. Details and time to come.
Find out more »11:00 am
Mass for Caregivers at the Cathedral
Also known as a "White Mass" (for the traditional color of doctor and nurse uniforms), the 14th annual Caregivers Mass will recognize outstanding caregivers (both professional and family). To nominate a caregiver, click on the link -- caregivers and attendees of all faiths welcome. Reception follows Mass.
Find out more »7:00 pm
Exalt! Youth-led Adoration at St. Francis of Assisi (Centerville)
XLT (Exalt!) is an evening of Eucharistic Adoration, prayer, song, and praise. Hosted by the St. Francis of Assisi Senior High Youth Ministry and eaturing the SHYM Praise & Worship team, the evening will include praise and worship music, Scripture, a reflection, Eucharistic Adoration, and Benediction.
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