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11:00 am
Veterans Dedication Ceremony at Gate of Heaven
Honoring all who served: a dedication ceremony in the new Veterans Columbaria will include a special guest speaker, the National Anthem, playing of Reveille, and the unveiling of the new area. Reservations encouraged, reply online at Gateofheaven.org/events/
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St. Martin of Tours Martinfest (Cheviot)
Second annual catered dinner and craft beer tasting even, held on the Feast of St. Martin. Also features Lucky II’s, Major Award Raffle, more. Ages 21 and up only; contact parish for ticket prices. For links, times, maps, and more, click here for The Catholic Telegraph’s 2018 online Festival Guide.
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St. Lawrence Athletic Turkey Delite
What: Enjoy an evening of games, split the pot, poker, and much more! When: Saturday, November 10, 8:00 p.m. until Midnight (Must be 21 years or older) Where: St. Lawrence Church, 3680 Warsaw Ave., Cincinnati 45205 Note: Tickets are $1 pre-sale and $5 at the door; Contact Tina at 513-828-8416 or Jennifer at 513-571-1996
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