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1:00 pm
Heritage Day at the Maria Stein Shrine of the Holy Relics
Events for the whole family at this annual fundraiser for the shine, which houses the second largest collection of relics in the United States. Free activities include quilt and tractor shows, youth games and crafts, a Relic Chapl presentation, Irish music by Denny Schneible, more musical performances, a pie baking ...
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Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage in Milford
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Volunteers will present a two-hours "Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage Experience" (TM), which will include the opportunity to touch the Grotto Rock, experience the healing grace of Lourdes Water, receive a Eucharistic blessing, pray the rosary, receive a bottle of Lourdes Water, prepare a petition ...
Find out more »Presentation on End of Life Issues in Bellefontaine
Dayton Right to Life will present "Now and at the Hour of Our Death," a panel discussion. An attorney, a nurse, and an RTL staff member will speak about healthcare power of attorney forms, questions to ask your doctor or hospice provider, preparing for medical emergencies and serious illnesses, and ...
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