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8:00 am
Magnificat Women’s Conference in Carthagena
Annual conference with Father Nathen Cromley, who will present a program focusing on Psalm 51 verse 10: "Create in me a clean heart." Time approximate; mark your calendars. More information to come.
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Father/Son Day of Service at the Seminary
"Real Men: Real Faith" - Fathers and sons invited to join seminarians and priests for a day of Mass, service work, lunch, athletics, a talk, and a walking rosary. For information call Deacon Jeff Stegbauer (513) 233-4230 or email [email protected]. Lunch included: reserve at [email protected].
Find out more »9:00 am
Workshop on Political Polarization in Centerville
"Can We Bridge the Divide?" The Archdiocesan Catholic Social Action Office, in partnership with the national organization Better Angels, will hot a Red/Blue Workshop aimed at helping participants better understand the experiences and beliefs of those on the other side of the political divide, explore areas of unity and difference ...
Find out more »3:00 pm
St. Gertrude Boosters Golf Outing at Sharon Woods
Nine holes of golf; tee times begin at 3 p.m.; party afterward at Firehouse Grill. See link for information. Event tickets $60; $10 for party only.
Find out more »7:00 pm
Virtual Lourdes Pilgrimage in Greenhills
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality North American Volunteers will present a two-hours “Lourdes Virtual Pilgrimage Experience” (TM), which will include the opportunity to touch the Grotto Rock, experience the healing grace of Lourdes Water, receive a Eucharistic blessing, pray the rosary, receive a bottle of Lourdes Water, prepare a petition ...
Find out more »Novena to St. Terese Begins at St. Peter (Huber Heights)
The Dayton Secular Carmelite Community of Our Mother of Good Counsel invites all to its novena to St. Terese of Lisieux. The "Little Flower" was largely unknown in life but has become of the world's most beloved saints. A Holy Hour in the Adoration Chapel each night from Sept. 22-30 will ...
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