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6:00 pm
Ruah Woods Banquet with Helen Alvare at XU
Professor Hele Alvare will be the keynote speaker at the annual banquet, "A Call to Arms... and A Call to Love." A professor of law atet eGeorge Mason University's Antonin Scalia School of Law, Alvare is an advisor to the USCCB, the founder of WomenSpeakforThemselves.com, and the author of several ...
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Kevin Heider CCS talk in Maria Stein
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley Distinguished Speaker Series features Dayton musician Kevin Heider in two area talks titled "Faith in Action." Winning the 2008 "The Way I Am" contest on MusicNation.com was pivotal in the singer/songwriter's decision to pursue a career in the arts, which has led to several albums and tours, as well ...
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Father Ryan Ruiz will lead this evening of reflection sponsored by the Office of Divine Worship and Sacraments.
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