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6:30 pm
Fully Engaged Training in Madeira
Chris Codden, author of the Fully Engaged catechetical pre-marriage inventory (used in place of FOCCUS) will conduct training for priests, deacons, parish ministers, and mentor couples. Training will be offered Monday, September 17 at Holy Angels in Dayton; Tuesday, September 18 at St. Gertrude in Madeira; and Wednesday, September 19 ...
Find out more »Catherine Lopez talk at Theology on Tap East
Catherine Lopeze will present "Belonging: Parish Life as a Young Adult Catholic," the second in the fall TOT East series. All in their 20s and 30s are invited to this young adult event for fellowship, fun, and learning. Event begins at 6:30; talk at 7. TOT Cincy East is a new ...
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Kevin Heider CSS Talk in Centerville
Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley Distinguished Speaker Series features Dayton musician Kevin Heider in two area talks titled "Faith in Action." Winning the 2008 "The Way I Am" contest on MusicNation.com was pivotal in the singer/songwriter's decision to pursue a career in the arts, which has led to several albums and tours, as well ...
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