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9:30 am
St. Vivian 75th Anniversary Mass
Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr will celebrate a Mass to celebrate the 7th anniversary of St. Vivian Parish. A day of anniversary fun will follow for current and former parishioners, school families, school alumni and neighbors: tours of the church and school, a history display, face painting and children's games, and an ice ...
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Family Rosary Walk and Dinner in Ludlow Falls
Transfiguration Center invites families for a free rosary walk through its extensive grounds, and dinner/fellowship. Rosary will begin at 4, dinner follows at the shelter -- meat, drinks, and dinnerware provided; please bring a dish to share.
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Via Encounter youth event in Kettering
An evening of worship, powerful testimony, Eucharistic Adoration, Confession, and accompaniment for high school youth. Times may change; speaker to be announced.
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