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8:30 am
NOVA Youth Ministers Event with Dr. Andrew Sodergren in Piqua
Nova is a day-long formation retreat that takes place at the beginning of each semester for youth ministers, campus ministers, and volunteers. Nova provides a powerful opportunity for ministers to gather for fellowship, prayer, and practical formation that has a direct bearing on carrying out their ministry. Dr. Andrew Sodergren, who ...
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Father Endres at Theology on Tap Cincy East
Father David Endres, Dean and Professor of Church History at Mt. St. Mary’s Seminary of the West, will speak on “The Sword and the Cross,” the first in the fall TOT East series. This talk will focus on the role of religion amidst a world too often living in the shadows ...
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Presentation on Assisted Suicide in Russells Point
Dayton Right to Life will present "What's So Wrong with Assisted Suicide?" Learn what assisted suicide means, and why it is morally wrong.
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