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8:00 am
St. Philomena Feast Day Mass at Holy Redeemer (New Bremen)
Father Steve Mondiek of Sacred Heart Parish (McCartyville) will celebrate the Feast of St. Philomela with a social Mass, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, rosary, special prayers, Benediction, and veneration of a relic of St. Philomela. This ends the parish's novena to St. Philomela, which began Aug. 2. End time ...
Find out more »9:30 am
Matins and Lauds of the Dead at Old St. Mary’s
As part of its Aug. 8-12 Sacred Music Retreat, The Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Cincinnati and its parishes ( Sacred Heart in Camp Washington and Old St. Mary’s in Over the Rhine) will host sung Matins and Lauds of the Dead before a 10 a.m. Pontifical Requiem Mass in the Extraordinary Form. ...
Find out more »10:00 am
Pontifical Requiem Mass at Old St. Mary’s
As part of its Aug. 8-12 Sacred Music Retreat, The Oratory of St. Philip Neri in Cincinnati and its parishes ( Sacred Heart in Camp Washington and Old St. Mary’s in Over the Rhine) will host a Pontifical Requiem Mass in the Extraordinary Form open to all. A Pontifical Mass is celebrated by a ...
Find out more »6:00 pm
Lucas Pfander Memorial Alumni Race at CJ
The annual "Viva un Vida" Lucas Pfander Memorial Alumni race begins with check-in at 6 p.m. at Roger Glass Stadium - Home of the CJ Eagles. Runners of all levels can participate in the 1-mile elementary student run/walk or 2-mile adult run/walk. Sponsorships are available to benefit the Lucas Pfander ...
Find out more »Sacred Heart of Jesus Festival Begins (McCartyville/Anna)
Begins after 5 p.m. Mass. Chicken Dinner (pre-sale only); dinner foods available to purchase.
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