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6:00 pm
Kolping Schützenfest Begins
July 20-22. The Cincinnati Kolping Society will select its "king" at the annual Schutzenfest (marksmen festival). Based on a medieval custom, Society members who participate in the men's shooting group will shoot at a carved wooden eagle mounted high on a pole. The person to shoot it down becomes king ...
Find out more »IHM Fest Begins (Anderson Township)
July 20-22. Entertainment: BackBeat, Friday, 7–11 p.m.; Rusty Griswolds, Saturday, 7–11 p.m.; rides and booths; authentic Hispanic food made by IHM's Hispanic community -- different food items each day. For links, times, maps, and more, click here for The Catholic Telegraph’s 2018 online Festival Guide.
Find out more »St. Cecilia Festival Begins (Oakley)
The St. Cecilia Festival offers fun, games, rides, entertainment, & attractions for the whole family. • Live entertainment every night. 3 Piece Revival: 8 PM-Midnight on Friday, Dan Varner Band: 8-Midnight on Saturday and Saffire Express from 7-9 PM on Sunday • Flea Market, 6-10 PM on Fri., 5-10 PM ...
Find out more »Mary, Help of Christians Festival Begins (Fairborn)
July 20-22. Live Bands, Rides, Games of Chancemore; Margaritas Nights Friday and Saturday 6-11 pm. For links, times, maps, and more, click here for The Catholic Telegraph’s 2018 online Festival Guide.
Find out more »St. Gabriel Festival Begins (Glendale)
July 20-22. Family night Friday. For links, times, maps, and more, click here for The Catholic Telegraph’s 2018 online Festival Guide.
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Presentation Ministry Annual Bible Institute Begins at XU
July 20-27. The 32nd annual Bible Institute will include a weekend of workshops and liturgies; one-, two, three- and four-day weekday seminars seminars; a Friday youth day led by Nathanael Egan and Co., a musical play based on the story of Esther; healing services, Masses, confession, music, and an introduction to ...
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