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11:00 am
150th Anniversary Mass at St. Paul (Sharpsburg)
Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr will celebrate Mass for the 150th anniversary of the parish as part oaf a weekend of tours, speakers, and more. Lunch celebration will follow Mass.
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Hispanic Catholic Community at St. Mary’s Festival in Dayton
One day only. Hispanic Music, Dancing, Crowning of the Festival Queen, Games, more; Mexican, Puerto Rican, Ecuadorian, Bolivian, Honduran and Colombian food. No gaming. For links, times, maps, and more, click here for The Catholic Telegraph’s 2018 online Festival Guide.
Find out more »1:00 pm
Cincinnati Festival of Faiths
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is a sponsor for the first-ever Cincinnati Festival of Faiths. Many Catholic parishes and other groups will participate at this Festival to be held at XU's Cintas Center, which will showcase Cincinnati’s religious diversity, celebrate religions’ contributions to our community’s quality of life, and build interfaith cooperation. The gathering will ...
Find out more »Knights of St. John Pilgrimage in Maria Stein
The 84th annual Pilgrimage of the Knights of St. John walk will begin in the St. John's parking lot in Maria Stein at 1 p.m., and will end at the Shrine of the Holy Relics, where the annual Country Fest will be in full swing. All are welcome to join ...
Find out more »5:30 pm
St. John the Baptist Feast Day at Old St. Mary’s
Old St. Mary's and the Cincinnati Oratory will celebrate the feast of St. John the Baptis with solemn vespers at 5:30, followed by a picnic and fireworks.Bring worn religious goods to be burned in the blessed fire.
Find out more »7:00 pm
Spanish Mass and Healing Service with Father Claudio Barbut in Groesbeck
"Christo vive en Mi" - Santa Misa, Adoracion, Oarcion de Sanacion -- A priest of the Diocese of Bucharest, Father Claudio Barbut worked for nine years in the Vatican Council for the Family with Popes John Paul II and Benedict XVI, and travels the world with talks and healing services. He will visit the archdiocese ...
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