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8:00 am
Via WITH (formerly Midwest AMP Fest) 2018
Save the date for this day-long youth event featuring Adoration, Music, and Praise (AMP) at Transfiguration Center. For students currently in grades 6-8. Information about times, speakers, music, etc., to come.
Find out more »Native Plant Sale at MEEC, Dayton
The Marianist Environmental Education Center (MEEC) located at Mount St. John will hold its annual native plant sale. More than 100 species of native wildflowers, grasses, and shrubs grown at the center will be for sale. Proceeds support ecological restoration in the Marianist Nature Preserve and at sites throughout greater Dayton. ...
Find out more »9:00 am
Clark County Ride, Walk, Run for Life
Families, groups, and individuals welcome at this annual fundraiser. Distances range from 4K-10K; hot dogs and other snacks will be available when prizes are awarded at 11:30. To register call (937) 572-9193. Sponsor sheets are available at the website; raise money by asking people to sponsor you. Registration is free; ...
Find out more »Annual Mission Walk at Winton Woods
Benefits health and education programs in Guatemala. Your donation is your entry fee. Walk begins at 10 a.m., celebration with Sister Sarah Mulligan of Mission Partners in Guatemala at 11 a.m.
Find out more »Community Yard Sale at OLL
Our Lady of Lourdes's second annual Community Yard Sale will be held at the school parking lot (or cafeteria, in case of rain).
Find out more »3:00 pm
Little Sisters of the Poor Spaghetti Dinner
Eighth annual dinner includes carry-out and dine-in options; sauce and meatballs are available at the event and from 1-7 p.m the preceding day (June 22). Dine-in hours: 3-7 p.m. Carry-out begins at 2 p.m. Proceeds go to help the Sisters run the St. Paul's Home for the Aged.
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CJ Alumni Mass at Queen of Apostles (Dayton)
Part of the CJ Alumni Weekend; all alumni and friends of the school are welcome.
Find out more »4:30 pm
Singles event in Miamisburg
Miami Valley Catholic Singles will attend the Miamisburg Bicentennial celebrationn together. Meet at Our Lady of Good Hope for 4:30 PM Mass, with dinner following at Bullwinkle’s Restaurant. Fireworks at 9:45 p.m. For information call Noreen Wendeln, 937-492-4449.
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