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9:00 am
K of C Car Show at St. Maximilian Kolbe (Liberty Twp.)
First-ever event will feature food, drinks, split the pot, live music, and more. First 50 cars registered will receive a free dash plaque; trophies for Fan Favorite, Knights of Columbus Favorite, Pastor Favorite, Specialty Class, and Best in Show. Car registration $15 (contact Bre Rose 513-616-9304 or [email protected]); no fee to attend.
Find out more »Gardening with Native Plants Workshop at MEEC, Dayton
Spaces are limited for this worship at the Marianist Environmental Education Center at Mount St. John. Gardening with native plants uses less water and provides native habitats for yards and gardens. Staff will help you find the kinds of plants will grow in your yard. Participants will be able to ...
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World Refugee Day Celebration in Cincinnati
Catholic Charities and hundreds of volunteers who help welcome and resettle refugees invite all to "Share Hope Beyond Borders" and celebrate the strength, courage, and perseverance of families forced to flee their homes. The relaxed, family-focused event includes a potluck meal - bring a dish to share. RSVP at link.
Find out more »4:00 pm
St. Margaret-St. John Festival
One day only. Live Band, Gambling, Instant Bingo, Gift Baskets, Raffle, children’s games, food, more. $5 admission and get a raffle ticket. For links, times, maps, and more, click here for The Catholic Telegraph’s 2018 online Festival Guide.
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