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8:00 am
All-Night Adoration of the Two Hearts at Transfiguration
Begins with confessions from 6-6:45, followed by Mass for the Sacred Heart of Jesus at 7. All-night Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament follows, with the rosary, litanies, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and Consecrations prayed on the hour. Concludes with 8 a.m. Mass for the Immaculate Heart of Mary on Saturday.
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Marian Pilgrimage at the Shrine of the Holy Relics
Explore different ways the Virgin Mary has appeared to Christians, pray with Marian depictions that are part of the Shrine's tradition and architecture, and let Mary help you deepen your relationship with Christ. The pilgrimage will be offered nine times in June, find one that will work for you.
Find out more »6:30 pm
Healing Mass at Immaculate Conception (Dayton)
Mass followed by extended laying of hands on each person present by priests and the healing team. “We enter this time together on the need for emotional, physical, and mental helming of those among us. You will leave with a deep assurance of God’s presence. All are welcome to attend.”
Find out more »7:00 pm
Marian Pilgrimage at the Shrine of the Holy Relics
Explore different ways the Virgin Mary has appeared to Christians, pray with Marian depictions that are part of the Shrine's tradition and architecture, and let Mary help you deepen your relationship with Christ. The pilgrimage will be offered nine times in June, find one that will work for you.
Find out more »7:30 pm
“Once on this Island” Preview for PCW in Price Hill
Ten dollars of each ticket for this preview performance benefit Pregnancy Center West. Purchase tickets at PCW.org.
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