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9:00 am
KofC Car and Truck Show at St. Susanna (Mason)
The third annual St. Susanna Knights of Columbus Car and Truck show will feature music, cornhole, raffle and door prizes, split the pot, and more. Food and drink available to purchase. Entry is $15 per vehicle (no pre-registration); public admitted free. All proceeds go to St. Joseph Home of Cincinnati. ...
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Dennis Turner Book Signing in Centerville
UD law professor Dennis Turner, author of "What Did You Do in the War, Sister?" will sign copies of the book inspired by letters written by Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur during World War II and the role the sisters had in defeating the Nazis.
Find out more »2:00 pm
First Saturday Devotions in Celina
An hour of prayer with the Blessed Sacrament, rosary, and other devotions will be held in the main chapel at St. Charles Center, the former seminary for the Missionaries of the Precious Blood. All welcome.
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Mahrajan! Lebanese Festival at St. Anthony of Padua Maronite Parish Begins
June 2-3. Annual summer festival features authentic Lebanese food, music, and more. For links, times, maps, and more, click here for The Catholic Telegraph’s 2018 online Festival Guide.
Find out more »4:30 pm
Blue & White Party at Mother of Mercy High School
A celebration of more than 100 years of Mercy HS -- all friends of Mercy welcome. Begins with 4:30 Mass, followed by the ceremonial closing of the school's main entrance (building will be open for self-guided tours until 7 p.m.). Community dinner on the lawn - hot dogs and hamburgers ...
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Corpus Christi Procession in Dayton
The 17h annual Corpus Christi procession at Dayton's oldest parish will begin after 5:15 Mass. Parishioners spend all day making elaborate patterns ("carpets") with colored wood chips on the streets outside -- an Old World tradition popular in many areas, but rare in Ohio -- which the procession passes over.
Find out more »6:00 pm
Schoenstatt Presentation on Families in Russells Point
Wisconsin Schoenstatt Sister Marie Day will present "Portrait of a Holy Family and Gifts for Building These Families" after the 6 p.m. Mass. The presentation will be held on the lawn of the Holy Family Hall, weather-permitting - bring a lawn chair or blanket. Schoenstatt is a movement aimed at ...
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