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9:00 am
Hunger Walk and 5K Run in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky
The 15th annual Hunger Walk benefits the Freestone Foodbank. Register for particular accounts -- including the St. Leo the Great Parish Food Pantry, Catholic Charities - Food for All, CISE, Little Flower SVdP, and more (see list here: http://fsfb.convio.net/site/TR/Events/HungerWalk2018?fr_id=1400&pg=teamlist). or form your own team. Route begins and ends at The Banks/Smale ...
Find out more »Regional Memorial Day Mass at St. Helen (Dayton)
St. Helen, Immaculate Conception, and Ascension Parishes will hold a joint Mass to honor the memory of veterans who have died, as well as living veterans and servicemen and women. Prayers and "Taps" at the flagpole will follow Mass; all welcome to a reception in the gym with coffee, juice, ...
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Solemn Latin Mass for the Feast of St. Philip Neri at Old St. Mary’s
Priests of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri will celebrate a solemn Traditional Latin Mass for his feast day. Latin-English missals available.
Find out more »11:00 am
Memorial Day Mass at St. Joseph Cemetery (Cincinnati)
The Cincinnati Catholic Cemetery Society will celebrate two Memorial Day Masses; 175th anniversary plaques will be blessed and commemorative gifts will be distributed at both; both will include wreath placement with Taps and be followed by light refreshments.
Find out more »Memorial Day Mass at St. Mary Cemetery (St. Bernard)
The Cincinnati Catholic Cemetery Society will celebrate two Memorial Day Masses; 175th anniversary plaques will be blessed and commemorative gifts will be distributed at both; both will include wreath placement with Taps and be followed by light refreshments.
Find out more »Memorial Day Field Mass at Gate of Heaven
Bishop Joseph R. Binzer will celebrate this annual Mass at the archdiocesan cemetery. Bring lawn chairs. Rain location: Good Shepherd Church.
Find out more »Memorial Day Mass in Piqua
Combined St. Boniface/St.Mary Mass at the Forest Hill Cemetery, adjacent to the priest section. Please bring a lawn chair to this annual outdoor Mass. Rain location: St. Mary.
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