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6:00 pm
Lecture on Ursuline Nuns and Music at the Mercantile Library (Cincinnati)
Catacoustic Consort guest musician Dr. Kim Pineda will give a talk on the early music group's upcoming program, "The Ursuline Manuscript, Changing Culture through Music." Dr. Pineda will discuss the Ursuline manuscript (the oldest-known musical document in Louisiana musical history) and how the Ursuline nuns used it to change the culture of 18th-century ...
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Heidelberg University Choir Concert in Wyomng
Heidelberg University's Concert Choir will visit St. James of the Valley as part of their spring tour. The 51-member vocal ensemble, under the direction of Dr. Greg Ramsdell, will present a concert with the theme “Come Travel with Me.”
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Cincinnati Catholic Junior High Honor Band Sprig Concert
The 25th annual Greater Cincinnati Catholic Junior High Honor Band Spring Concert will be held at Mount Notre Dame High School's Auditorium; all welcome.
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