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6:30 am
Women’s Evening of Reflection at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center
Regnum Christi invites all Cincinnati area women to their monthly women’s retreats — a time to grow closer to Christ and with each other. May theme: St. Bernadette and Love for Our Mother, Mary. Includes social time, snacks, time for confession, and 7:15 Mass..
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175th Anniversary Retreat at St. Mary (Piqua)
Popular retreat leader Father Nathan Cromley of Eagle Eye Ministries will join Father Thomas Bolte in presenting an anniversary retreat at both Piqua parishes. The day will begin with Mass and the rosary at St. Mary, followed by talks at 10 and 11 a.m., lunch, a 1 p.m. May Crowning for ...
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NET Ministries Modern Missionaries Fundraising Banquet in Loveland
NET Ministries will hold its first annual Modern Missionaries Fundraising Banquet in Ohio. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr will be the keynote speaker at an event as we celebrating 36 years of ministry and reaching more than 2 million youth. $75 of each $125 is a tax-deductible gift . For information or to register, contact Anne Michalak at 651-450-6833 x126 ...
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