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11:00 am
Dayton Catholic Women’s Club Spring Celebration Luncheon
Lunch begins at noon; award and grant presentation celebration follows. The club asks that attendees support Brigid's Path, an inpatient medical care facility that cares for drug-exposed newborns by bringing diapers, bottles, pacifiers, formula, sleeper sets, and other supplies. Reservations due April 25. To reserve tickets call (937) 431-1597 or ...
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Matinee: The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged) at Badin
Badin's spring play is the acclaimed comedy mash-up of all Shakespeare's plays, done by a four actors who play all the parts. One Friday and two Saturday performances sheduled; tickets are $5 and available at the door. Performances take place in the Little Theatre.
Find out more »5:30 pm
Night at the Races in Troy
Annual fundraiser -- first race begins following the live broadcast of the Kentucky Derby; 10 horse races in total plus a silent auction, raffles, and prize giveaways all night long. Wear your best Derby hat/attire for an additional chance to win. $2/"bet" or "buy" and name a horse for $10 ...
Find out more »7:30 pm
The Complete Works of Shakespeare (Abridged) at Badin
Badin's spring play is the acclaimed comedy mash-up of all Shakespeare's plays, done by a four actors who play all the parts. One Friday and two Saturday performances sheduled; tickets are $5 and available at the door. Performances take place in the Little Theatre.
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