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12:30 pm
Kis4Kate Blood Drive at St. Mary (Hyde Park)
Semi-annual blood drive. Everyone who donates or attempts to donate will be placed in a drawing to win an 8”x10” photo by Alex Vehr autographed by FC Cincinnati player Jimmy McLaughlin. Register to online at link or by calling Hoxworth at (513) 451-0910.
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Ruah Woods Workshop on Ministering People with Same-Sex Attraction
"BY YOUR SIDE: WALKING WITH CATHOLICS AFFECTED BY SAME-SEX ATTRACTION AND THEIR LOVED ONES" Ruah Woods and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati invite clergy, religious, and lay pastoral ministers to an introduction to the work of the Courage and EnCourage apostolates in ministering to our brothers and sisters who experience same-sex attractions, ...
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Women’s Casino Night Party at Holy Redeemer (New Bremen)
All women welcome at the "Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend" party -- a casino night for women of all ages. Scrumptious food and desserts, hilarious entertainment, prizes. Tickets $5 for all 16 and older, all ages welcome. Doors open at 5 p.m.; dinner served at 6.
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Brad Gregory Lecture on Adolescence at St. Teresa (Springfield)
The annual Hesburgh Lecture brings a Notre Dame professor to the parish to speak. This year professor of history Brad Gregory will speak about "The Perils and Promise of Adolescence: Sources of risk and resilience for teens and parents. Held in Fr. Collins Hall; reception follows.
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