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2:00 pm
St. Peregrine Cander Prayer Service in Maria Stein
For those with cancer, survivors of cancer, caregivers, and family. Service will include music, scripture, witness, and prayer with the Relic of St. Peregrine.
Find out more »“Spectacle” Matinee at UD
The University of Dayton presents the world premier of “Spectacle,” a musical about the founders of the Marianists and their struggle to keep faith alive during the French Revolution. Written by Nick Cardilino, Jim Ford, and Marianist Brother Stan Zubek, the show will have three performances.
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Vince Ambrosetti Concert at Immaculate Conception (Celina)
World-renowned Catholic artist and three-time Grammy nominee Vince Ambrosetti has sung a the Vatican, and at Mother Teresa's funeral. This free concert is part of Immaculate Conception's spring parish mission.
Find out more »Parish Mission at Immaculate Conception (Celina) Begins
April 22-25. "Awaken Our Hearts" - a mission presented by Faith on Fire and founder Vince Ambrosetti April 22, Vince Ambrosetti family concert April 23, "Coming into the Presence of God," April 24, "Resting in the Presence of God –through Healing, Forgiveness and Reconciliation" April 25, "Becoming the Presence of God ...
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