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9:30 am
Upper Room: Special Edition in Madeira
This special morning Upper Room event will feature keynote speaker Sr. Marysia Weber, who is also a medical doctor, presenting "Now You See It, Now You Don’t: Youth, Social Media, and Porn." Anyone directly, indirectly, or remotely interested in evangelizing teens is welcome! Please RSVP at link by April 13. 9:30am: ...
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From the Mountains to the Sea Luncheon at IHM
Celebrate the cultures of Immaculate Heart of Mary’s twinning communities. Enjoy their cuisine, music, and crafts; meet the people from The Cultural Center of Batahola Norte and Our Lady of the Mountains, and find out how you can help them. Event will be held twice, Friday and Saturday, with different live entertainment each ...
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Elizabeth’s New Life Center Banquet with Dr. Ray
(Second night) ENLC's Dayton Partnership Banquet "The Father's Masterpiece" will be held on two nights. Both feature keynote speaker Dr. Ray Guarendi. Suggested donation is $25.. To register contact Barb Garrison at 937-226-7414 or [email protected]. Registration begins at 5:30 p.m.
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Senior Thesis Exhibit Gallery Reception at MSJ
Reception opening the art and design student gallery show. Six art students and seven design students will present their senior degree projects; exhibit remains on display from April 20-May 12.
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Behold! Evening of Worship for Young Adults at St. Mary (Hyde Park)
Join young adults from around the greater Cincinnati area for Adoration, praise & worship, and fellowship followed by a night of fellowship. Presented by the seminarians of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary and The Archdiocese of Cincinnati Office for Young Adult Evangelization and Discipleship.
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“Spectacle” at UD
The University of Dayton presents the world premier of “Spectacle,” a musical about the founders of the Marianists and their struggle to keep faith alive during the French Revolution. Written by Nick Cardilino, Jim Ford, and Marianist Brother Stan Zubek, the show will have three performances.
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