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2:00 pm
Midwest Homeschooling Convention Begins in Cincinnati
April 12-14. Catholic speakers Gianna Jessen and Matt Walsh are featured speakers at the area's largest homeschooling convention. Jessen is an abortion survivor and Walsh is a columnist for Daily Wire, where he recently began a daily streaming show. Nick Vujicic, a motivational speaker who has no arms or legs, will ...
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Talk on Recreational Marijuana at Theology on Tap Cincinnati
The first of the five-part spring Cincinnati Theology on Tap series will feature John Leyendecker, who will present “Would Pope Francis smoke weed with me? The Catholic View on Recreational Marijuana.” Theology on Tap presents lively talks about Catholic life for young adults in a relaxed setting. Social time begins ...
Find out more »Talk on How Catholicism Means “More” at Theology on Tap Dayton
The first of the six-part Dayton Theology on Tap spring speaker series will feature Jacob Strange, presenting “Why there’s more being Catholic.” Theology on Tap presents lively talks about Catholic life for young adults in a relaxed setting. The theme for the 2018 Spring Theology on Tap in Dayton is, ...
Find out more »7:30 pm
Talk on Miracles at the Athenaeum (Mt. Washington)
Dr. John C. Cavadini, professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame, will explore the Catholic understanding of miracles, addressing the questions: Do miracles still occur? Open to the public; no fee.
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