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8:00 am
Life’s 5th Quarter Pro-life Mass and Procession with Archbishop Schnurr
Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr will celebrate Mass and lead Adoration and a pro-life procession to the nearby Planned Parenthood abortion center. Youth groups and teams from both sides of the Ohio River encouraged to attend. Mass begins at 8 am, with the Rosary Procession immediately following Mass, and Benediction at the Church after ...
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Talk on Marian Apparitions in Egypt at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center
Frank DeNome will speak about the famous apparitions of Our Lady of Zeitoun, also called Our Lady of Light, in Egypt from 1968-1970, which are approved by the Coptic Orthodox Church. Up to 1 million people from around the world and of many faiths witnessed these silent apparitions above a Coptic ...
Find out more »Gifts of the Holy Spirit Day of Reflection in Maria Stein
Precious Blood Sister Joyce Ann Zimmerman will present on the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit in a day the will include Mass, prayer, discussion, and lunch. To reserve call Matt Hess at (4190 925-4532 or email [email protected].
Find out more »12:00 pm
Workshop on Finding Your Ancestors Using Sacramental Records in Dayton
Tour Holy Trinity Church at noon; then in the Knights of Columbus Hall Sarah Patterson, Archivist for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, will present a talk about how to use sacramental records (baptism, marriage, etc.) to research your family history. For information contact Annie Foos at (419) 598-1362. The event is free but ...
Find out more »6:30 pm
Night at the Races in Cheviot
The Archbishop Purcell Knights of Columbus will sponsor a Night at the Races to benefit Pregnancy Center West, the Mount St. Mary's Seminarian Support Fund, aunt he K of C Education Fund. Doors open at 6:30 p.m., with Post Time first race at 7 . Horse races, split the pot, ...
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Annual Katie Luchsinger Memorial Event in North Bend
Young Katie Luchsender died in a fire in 1999. Proceeds from this annual event go to maintain the Katie Luchsinger Memorial Garden at Our Lady of the Visitation, and to local firefighters and fire departments. Evening includes music by Safire Express Band, appetizers, two beer and wine tickets, and door ...
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The Time Jumpers in Concert at MSJ
A 2017-2018 Cincy Music Series event. Tap any member of multi Grammy nominated The Time Jumpers on the shoulder and the face that turns to greet you will be that of one who’s made major contributions to the richness and vigor of country music. The band's current edition includes 10 members, each ...
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