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7:00 am
40 Hours at St. Luke (Beavercreek) Begns
March 23-25. Forty Hours Devotion will be in St. Dominic Chapel beginning after the 7:00 a.m. Mass on Friday until Benediction at 7:00 a.m. on Sunday "Before his passion and death, Jesus withdrew to the desert for 40 days to fast and pray – to be in communion with his Father. What ...
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Life in the Spirit Youth Retreat in Maria Stein Begins
March 23-25 "He's making diamonds out of us" is the theme of the 19th annual Life in the Spirit Seminar at the Spiritual Center of Maria Stein. Open to all teens and young adults who want to deepen and experience their Catholic faith, the retreat will feature guest speakers, group discussion, ...
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Designer Bag Bingo at St. Brigid (Xenia)
Bingo, raffles, light refreshments, more. A designer bag will be awarded to the winner of each round of bingo. Proceeds benefit Michael's House, which helps victims of child abuse. Held in the activities center; see link to purchase tickets.
Find out more »St. John Passion Play in Lockland
The St. John Passion Play will be performed at Lockland Christian Church on March 24 (7 p.m.) and 25 (3 p.m.). The pageant has been performed every year since 2018, when parishioners of St. John (A Franciscan parish in Over-the-Rhine) promised to put it on every year in thanksgiving for ...
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Frassati Retreat at Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Center Begins
March 23-24. Cincinnati Frassati Fellowship, in connection with St. Gertrude Catholic Church, is hosting an Advent Retreat. This season's theme is “Because I’m Worth It: Pride, Purification, and the Passion of the Cross." All adults between the ages 18 & 33 are welcome to join. Cost to attend is $49.49 (includes overnight ...
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