Author Archive
Jessica Rinaudo
Editor’s Note: The Snow Days of Lent

When I tell Ohioans we moved our family here from Louisiana, one of their first responses, without fail, is a look of incredulity followed by the question, “Well what do you think of this weather?” I smile and reply, “I don’t mind the cold so much, but all these gray …
Editor’s Note: Let’s Get Digital

I admit it, I am a die-hard fan of print media. From the time I was a small child, I loved to hold on to books and dive into the stories that awaited me inside their pages. To this day, I love picking up a magazine, a library book, a …
Editor’s Note: Called for a Purpose

In the many years I’ve been an editor for Catholic publications, the way all the stories and columns in a given issue line up to support one another still never ceases to amaze me. Yes, some of that is planning and assigning particular stories, but often the stories find us …
Editor’s Note: The Heart and Beauty of Our Growing Faith

When I began as editor a few months ago, I met with Archbishop Schnurr and asked him about his vision for The Catholic Telegraph. He gave me two directives: The paper should be an evangelization tool, and it should help the people of the archdiocese feel like they are part …
Editor’s Note: Finding Hope Amidst the Darkness

It was the weekend following a difficult week – a chance to be with my family, to soak in the joy and innocence of life through the eyes of my children. On Sunday, as I got out of bed and began to ready myself for the morning routine, I saw …
Archbishop Responds to Father Drew Being Placed on Leave of Absence (Updated August 29, 2019)

Updated August 29, 2019: During the weekend of July 27-28 it was announced at Masses that Father Geoff Drew, pastor of St. Ignatius Parish in Cincinnati, is on administrative leave. No further details were provided, which left many feeling frustrated. On Monday, July 29, parishioners attended a meeting at St. …
Catholic Community Offers Support and Prayer to Dayton Following Shooting on August 4

The Dayton community and the archdiocese as a whole were rocked by the news of a mass shooting in the downtown Oregon district on August 4, less than 24 hours after another mass shooting in El Paso, TX. The gunman, who was armed with an assault rifle and additional magazines, …
Editor’s Note: Finding Grace with Children at Mass

As parents of young children in church, we’ve all been there: the squirming, the diving below the pews, the waving for attention of the adults behind us, the too-loud whispers to “Sit down and be quiet,” and “Listen to Father.” I confess that, as a mother of four children under …
“We Bring the Love” Foster Grandparents Enhance Community One Classroom at a Time

When you meet JoEtta Oglesby, it’s impossible not to get caught up in her abundant joy and buoyant personality. As she will readily tell you, much of her joy comes from spending her days volunteering as a foster grandparent, assisting children in the classroom through Catholic Charities’ Senior Corps program. …
We welcome our New Editor for “The Catholic Telegraph”

Change is often hard, especially when that change is unexpected. Shortly after Christmas, I found myself sitting in a dark room feeling exhausted and overwhelmed. The vacation from work and our children’s school was over. I had landed firmly back into the reality of trying to juggle multiple jobs – …