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Catholic News Agency

Catholic News Agency

Founded in continued response to Pope John Paul II’s call for a “New Evangelization,” the Catholic News Agency (CNA) has been, since 2004, one of the fastest growing Catholic news providers to the English speaking world.

By Courtney Mares Rome Newsroom, Dec 29, 2023 / 07:00 am Attention Catholic artists: The Vatican has announced an art competition in which your paintings can be displayed inside of St. Peter’s Basilica along with the works of Renaissance masters Michelangelo and Gian Lorenzo Bernini. The contest winner will get to …

By Jonah McKeown CNA Staff, Dec 26, 2023 / 04:00 am If “Good King Wenceslas” is one of the Christmas hymns you look forward to each year, you probably know which saint is celebrated today — St. Stephen, the first person to die for the risen Christ. Roman Catholics celebrate his feast on Dec. 26, …

By Jonathan Liedl Vatican City, Dec 25, 2023 / 08:33 am On the birthday of the Prince of Peace, Pope Francis called for an end to war in the Holy Land and throughout the world as well as the arms trade that fuels it. Delivering his annual “urbi et orbi” Christmas …

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Dec 23, 2023 / 07:00 am It’s a well-known origin story: how the young and wealthy Francis of Assisi freely abandoned his noble patrimony to serve Christ’s Church as a poor, itinerant preacher. One of the world’s most beloved saints, the founder of the Franciscan …

By Francesca Pollio Fenton CNA Staff, Dec 24, 2023 / 07:00 am There are numerous Christmas Eve traditions families around the world take part in, whether it’s watching a certain movie together, baking cookies for Santa, opening one present before going to bed, or eating a specific meal for dinner. The …

By Marinella Bandini Bethlehem, Dec 24, 2023 / 13:04 pm On Sunday, Dec. 24, Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the Latin patriarch of Jerusalem, made his entrance into Bethlehem to celebrate Christmas. It was also his first entrance into the “City of Christmas” since being made a cardinal. Following tradition, the patriarch entered …

By Tyler Arnold Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Dec 20, 2023 / 18:10 pm Catholic bishops around the world are deeply divided on a Vatican declaration that permits nonliturgical blessings of homosexual couples: some bishops are welcoming the news, some are approaching it with caution, while others are outright refusing to implement it. In some …

By Peter Pinedo Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Dec 20, 2023 / 08:00 am Scythian, an Irish folk band headlined by two Catholic brothers, wants to help you “rediscover the original beauty” of Christmas music through their new album, “Christmas Out at Sea.” Full of energetic carols that reach moments of striking beauty …

By Joe Bukuras CNA Staff, Dec 19, 2023 / 19:05 pm Vice President Kamala Harris announced she will embark on a tour across the nation promoting abortion rights, beginning on the anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade next month. In focusing on abortion, the vice president’s tour …

By Joe Bukuras CNA Staff, Dec 19, 2023 / 13:30 pm More than 40 laymen and laywomen in the Diocese of Clogher in the north of Ireland will soon begin presiding over funeral liturgies amid a shortage of priests. A major vocation crisis could result in fewer than 10 active priests …