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Catholic News Agency
Strong online boundaries make for the happiest relationships, study finds

By Mary Farrow Washington D.C., Dec 27, 2019 / 02:55 am (CNA).- Cutting ties with old flames, before the internet, used to be easy. After a break-up, people could easily lose touch with their ex, who could move or change phone numbers. Tracking them down, sans Google or social media, …
College freshmen found faith through friendship

By Perry West Denver, Colo., Dec 23, 2019 / 07:00 pm (CNA).- The phenomenon is well-documented. When young Catholics go away to college, a troublingly high percentage of them stop practicing their faith. And many who stop going to Mass in college never return. Initiatives like FOCUS, and Newman Centers …
Notre-Dame still at risk of destruction, says rector

By Christine Rousselle Paris, France, Dec 27, 2019 / 09:12 am (CNA).- This year Christmas Mass was not celebrated at Notre-Dame de Paris for the first time since the French First Republic, and the cathedral’s rector says that there is a significant chance the building cannot be rebuilt safely. The …
Catholic group to start holistic addiction recovery home in Kentucky

By Perry West Lexington, Ky., Dec 24, 2019 / 03:12 pm (CNA).- A Kentucky diocese is leasing a tenantless building to a Catholic charity to create a holistic recovery program for people in the area struggling with drug addictions. “It’s an exciting possibility,” said Jenny Ramsay, co-founder and director of …
Sinner or saint – God loves you, Pope Francis says on Christmas Eve

By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Dec 24, 2019 / 02:21 pm (CNA).- A person’s weakness and sin does not change Christ’s love for them, and Catholics should strive to treat others the same way, serving anyone and not only those they consider worthy, Pope Francis said on Christmas Eve. “God …
Urbi Et Orbi, Pope Francis on Christmas: Christ’s light is greater than the darkness of world’s conflicts

By Courtney Mares Vatican City, Dec 25, 2019 / 05:30 am (CNA).- On Christmas, Pope Francis prayed for Christ to bring light to the instability in Iraq, Lebanon, Venezuela, Yemen, Ukraine, Burkina Faso, and other parts of the world experiencing conflict. “The Son is born, like a small light flickering …
Are millennial Christians really killing evangelization?

by Mary Farrow Washington D.C., Dec 23, 2019 / 03:06 pm (CNA).- Millennials are notoriously blamed for being killers of previously-thought-necessary industries and activities: Applebees. Napkins. Golf. Mayonnaise. Lunch. And so on. For the ever-shrinking number of millennials who are practicing Christians, could evangelization be on the chopping block next? …
Mentors are key in program to get civilly married couples back to Church

By Mary Farrow Lafayette, La., Dec 24, 2019 / 06:45 am (CNA).- When Mary Rose Verret first welcomed Douglas and Elizabeth into her home, Douglas’ boots squished with the sewage he worked with, and Elizabeth smelled of french fries from her fast food job. Douglas was also just a few …
Pope Francis: A baby’s smile is a sign of God’s love

By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Dec 21, 2019 / 05:44 am (CNA).- The very first way the Child Jesus revealed the love and goodness of the Father was in smiling at his parents, just “like every newborn baby in this world,” Pope Francis said Saturday. “When we look at a …
Denver initiative aims to reduce barriers between Catholics, lonely seniors

By Jonah McKeown Denver, Colo., Dec 22, 2019 / 04:01 pm (CNA).- When John O’Brien was in high school, his father, while only in his forties, was admitted to an assisted living facility because of Pick’s disease, a rare disorder similar to Alzheimer’s. “I spent many nights of my high …