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Catholic News Agency
Why Christians believe in resurrection, not reincarnation
by Mary Farrow Denver, Colo., Apr 12, 2020 / 01:01 pm (CNA).- Every time Christians recite the Apostles’ Creed, they affirm their belief in what will happen to them after death: “’I believe in the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.” The belief in the resurrection of one’s physical …
Pope welcomes Turin Shroud livestream for those ‘harshly tried by pandemic’
Vatican City, Apr 11, 2020 / 04:00 am (CNA).- Pope Francis has praised the decision to livestream the exposition of the Turin Shroud on Holy Saturday amid the coronavirus pandemic. The Archdiocese of Turin has invited Catholics around the world to pray virtually before the Shroud at 5pm local time …
Beauty, drama and pinpoint silence: Easter Triduum memories from Rome
by Hannah Brockhaus Rome, Italy, Apr 11, 2020 / 09:00 am (CNA).- Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the 2020 Easter Triduum is looking very different for Catholics around the world, who will be praying from home and attending liturgies only through their TV or computer screens. The situation is no …
How Catholics can be inspired by art during Holy Week
by Perry West Denver, Colo., Apr 9, 2020 / 02:01 pm (CNA).- As churches and museums remain closed, Catholic artists have encouraged people to be inspired this Holy Week by finding beauty online or even attempting to create projects themselves. Andrew Julo is the director and curator for the Verostko …
‘It’s a trauma for our children’: How the pandemic is impacting foster kids
by Mary Farrow Denver, Colo., Apr 9, 2020 / 04:30 am (CNA).- Foster care is a difficult business in the best of times. Social workers must ensure that children in need are given loving and safe homes, while trying to help them maintain contact and a relationship with their biological …
US bishops cancel Spring Assembly due to coronavirus
Washington D.C., Apr 8, 2020 / 01:30 pm (CNA).- The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has canceled its Spring General Assembly due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The assembly, one of the two annual gatherings of the bishops of the United States, was scheduled to be held June 10-12 …
‘Prayer has been the great source of strength to me’: Cardinal Pell looks forward to Easter
by Ed Condon Washington D.C., Apr 7, 2020 / 08:54 am (CNA).- After more than 14 months in prison, Cardinal George Pell said he was always hopeful about the High Court decision which acquitted him of all charges and released him from incarceration on April 7. Shortly after his release …
Jerusalem archbishop blesses city with True Cross relic
CNA Staff, Apr 6, 2020 / 01:00 pm (CNA).- Unable to lead the traditional Palm Sunday procession through Jerusalem, Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, OFM, apostolic administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, blessed the city with a relic of the True Cross on April 5. The annual procession, which recalls Christ’s …
Raphael revisited: Vatican offers virtual tour 500 years after artist’s death
By Courtney Mares Vatican City, Apr 6, 2020 / 12:10 pm (CNA).- Monday, April 6 marks the 500th anniversary of the death of Raphael, the Renaissance painter responsible for “The School of Athens” and “The Transfiguration.” While the Vatican Museums was due to unveil the last phase of restoration of …
Turin Shroud to be displayed via livestream on Holy Saturday amid pandemic
Turin, Italy, Apr 6, 2020 / 04:00 am (CNA).- Catholics around the world will be invited to pray virtually before the Turin Shroud on Holy Saturday as the world struggles to contain the coronavirus pandemic, Church officials have said. The Shroud, which bears the image of a crucified man and …