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Catholic News Agency
Cardinal Tobin appointed member of Vatican’s Congregation for Bishops

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Mar 4, 2021 / 10:00 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis on Thursday appointed the archbishop of Newark, Cardinal Joseph Tobin, a member of the Congregation for Bishops. Pope Francis also named Cardinal Sérgio da Rocha, archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia, Brazil, a member of …
Full text: Pope Francis’ address to the Iraqi authorities, civil society, and diplomatic corps

Baghdad, Iraq, Mar 5, 2021 / 07:00 am MT (CNA).- Here is the full prepared text of Pope Francis’ address to the Iraqi authorities, civil society, and the diplomatic corps, delivered March 5, 2021, at the Presidential Palace in Baghdad. Mr President, Members of Government and the Diplomatic Corps, Distinguished …
March 5: St. John Joseph of the Cross

Self-denial is never an end in itself but is only a help toward greater charity—as the life of Saint John Joseph shows. John Joseph was very ascetic even as a young man. He devoted himself even at his youngest years to a life of poverty and fasting. At 16 he …
Shroud of Turin to go on virtual display for Holy Saturday

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Mar 4, 2021 / 03:00 am MT (CNA).- For the second time, the Shroud of Turin will be exposed for veneration on social media and websites on Holy Saturday, the archbishop of Turin has announced. The Shroud, which bears the image of a crucified man …
Pro Choice Caucus calls on Biden to end Hyde Amendment

by Kate Scanlon Washington D.C., Mar 3, 2021 / 04:00 pm MT (CNA).- Congressional Democrats called on President Joe Biden this week to remove pro-life protections from the 2022 federal budget. The Congressional Pro-Choice Caucus, the Democratic Women’s Caucus leaders, and other members of the House and Senate sent a …
USCCB: Moderna’s and Pfizer’s coronavirus vaccines ethically preferable to Johnson & Johnson’s

CNA Staff, Mar 3, 2021 / 03:19 pm MT (CNA).- The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops on Tuesday reiterated the Vatican’s teaching on COVID-19 vaccines produced with the help of abortion-derived cell lines, after a vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson received FDA approval over the weekend. The bishops …
Pope Francis will bless this Virgin Mary statue desecrated by Islamic State

by Courtney Mares Rome Newsroom, Mar 4, 2021 / 07:20 am MT (CNA).- Iraqi Catholics have asked Pope Francis to bless a statue of the Virgin Mary that was desecrated by the Islamic State. The Marian statue was decapitated in the Christian village of Karamles, between Mosul and Erbil, during …
Pope Francis prays for a renewal of the Sacrament of Reconciliation

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Mar 3, 2021 / 05:00 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis’ prayer intention for the month of March is for a renewed experience of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In his video for the prayer intention, created by the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network, the pope asked for …
The Good Friday tradition of the ‘Last Words of Christ’

By CNA Staff CNA Staff, Mar 2, 2021 / 06:30 pm MT (CNA).- The tradition of reflecting on the last words of Christ from the cross is a Good Friday practice popular in many places across the globe. Some sources trace the tradition back to Peruvian Jesuit priest Francisco del …
Columbus diocese announces strategic planning initiative

Columbus, Ohio, Mar 1, 2021 / 08:01 pm MT (CNA).- The Diocese of Columbus announced Monday a strategic planning initiative meant to discern the future of the local Church, encouraging evangelization and missionary discipleship. “This really is our plan – all of us together,” Bishop Robert Brennan of Columbus said …