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Catholic News Agency
Catholic nun begs police not to shoot protesters during Myanmar unrest

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Mar 10, 2021 / 08:10 am MT (CNA).- A religious sister in northern Burma knelt before police on Monday, begging them not to use violent force against protestors. In avideo, Sr. Ann Rose Nu Tawng, a member of the Sisters of St. Francis Xavier, can …
New Mexico assisted suicide bill ‘worst in the nation’, Archbishop Wester warns

Santa Fe, N.M., Mar 10, 2021 / 07:01 pm MT (CNA).- The New Mexico legislature could soon pass an assisted suicide bill that is “the worst in the nation”, Archbishop John Wester of Santa Fe has said, lamenting “bills that threaten vulnerable life.” Wester said H.B. 47, which would legalize …
Priest prepares to sell his coveted collection to raise money for low-income students

by The Catholic Spirit St. Paul, Minn., Mar 11, 2021 / 12:53 am MT (CNA).- A baseball card collection worth thousands of dollars was a split second away from being dropped into a trash can and disappearing forever in a landfill. Father John Ubel, rector of the Cathedral of St. …
Senator Rubio: China is depriving Uyghurs of their ‘humanity’

by Christine Rousselle Washington D.C., Mar 11, 2021 / 08:15 am MT (CNA).- Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) lambasted the Chinese authorities for restricting the religious practices of the largely-Muslim Uyghur population, at a Wednesday hearing. “When a regime deprives a people of their right to practice their faith freely, they …
March 11: St. Sophronius

A courageous leader of the Jerusalem Church during the Islamic conquests of the seventh century, Patriarch Saint Sophronius I has his liturgical memorial on March 11. Though he is acknowledged and celebrated as a saint in the Roman Catholic Church, St. Sophronius is more commonly venerated among Eastern Catholics and …
One year into the pandemic, U.S. bishops call for global solidarity

Washington D.C., Mar 9, 2021 / 02:05 pm MT (CNA).- The pandemic has emphasized the need for global solidarity, stated leading U.S. bishops one year after mass lockdowns and suspensions of public Masses began in March, 2020. “In the pandemic, God has once more revealed us to ourselves,” said the …
From Pius XII to Pope Francis: A brief history of general audiences

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Mar 10, 2021 / 03:30 am MT (CNA).- Pope Francis said Monday that he was looking forward to resuming his general audiences with the presence of the public as soon as COVID-19 conditions allow. Until 2020, Francis had met with the public almost every Wednesday …
Cardinal Sarah says he has ‘never opposed the pope’ in first interview since stepping down

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Mar 10, 2021 / 04:30 am MT (CNA).- Cardinal Robert Sarah on Wednesday rejected claims that he and Pope Francis are enemies, in his first interview since stepping down from his Vatican post. In an interview with an Italian newspaper published March 10, the Guinean …
March 10: St. John Ogilvie

March 10 is the liturgical memorial of Saint John Ogilvie, a 16th- and 17th-century Scotsman who converted from Protestantism to Catholicism, served as a Jesuit priest, and died as a martyr at the hands of state officials. St. John was executed for treason, refusing to accept King James I’s claim …
Vatican COVID-19 commission: Church can help combat rising violence against women

Vatican City, Mar 8, 2021 / 12:00 pm MT (CNA).- The Vatican COVID-19 Commission called on Monday for the Catholic Church and governments to increase support for women suffering from violence amid the coronavirus crisis. In a seven-page document released March 8, International Women’s Day, the commission said that the …