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Catholic News Agency
North American College to cancel teaching and celebrating Masses in the Extraordinary Form

by Alejandro Bermudez Rome Newsroom, Aug 31, 2021 / 21:51 pm Correction: An earlier version of this story misidentified the rector of the Pontifical North American College. The rector is Father Peter Harman. In a memo sent to “the Community ” at the North American College (NAC), Rector Fr. Peter …
After surgery, Pope Francis says a nurse ‘saved my life’

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Aug 31, 2021 / 07:32 am In a new interview, Pope Francis said that a nurse saved his life, in reference to a medical issue he had earlier this summer. “A nurse saved my life,” Pope Francis told Spanish COPE radio, in excerpts of an …
September 3: Saint Gregory the Great

St. Gregory the Great, a central figure of the medieval western Church and one of the most admired Popes in history, is commemorated in the Ordinary Form of the Roman Catholic liturgy today, September 3. Born near the middle of the sixth century into a noble Roman family, Gregory received …
5 things you need to know about Christians in Afghanistan now

by Alejandro Bermudez Denver Newsroom, Aug 29, 2021 / 20:45 pm As the situation in Afghanistan rapidly deteriorates and the U.S. withdrawal date of Tuesday, Aug. 31 approaches, these are five things you need to know about the Christian minority in Afghanistan right now. 1. Christians in Afghanistan live in …
Analysis: What’s behind rumors that Pope Francis will resign?

by Andrea Gagliarducci Rome, Italy, Aug 30, 2021 / 00:00 am Despite ongoing rumors, there is no confirmation that Pope Francis is drafting a document that defines the role and tasks of a Pope Emeritus. Nor are there any signs that Pope Francis may soon give up the Petrine ministry, …
Cardinal Burke tweets that his condition is improving

by Shannon Mullen Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Aug 28, 2021 / 21:38 pm Raymond Cardinal Burke issued a personal statement via Twitter Saturday night, thanking his doctors, all those who have offered prayers on his behalf, and especially God “who has brought me to this point of healing and recovery.” Coming …
August 30: Saint Jeanne Jugan

On Aug. 30, the Catholic Church celebrates Saint Jeanne Jugan, also known as Sister Mary of the Cross. During the 19th century, she founded the Little Sisters of the Poor with the goal of imitating Christ’s humility through service to elderly people in need. In his homily for her canonization …
Pastor says priest ‘misspoke’ when he alleged Cardinal Cupich stopped public prayers after Mass

by Joe Bukuras Chicago, Ill., Aug 28, 2021 / 16:00 pm An Illinois priest has alleged that Cardinal Blase Cupich, Archbishop of Chicago, ordered him to cease praying the Prayer to St. Michael and the Hail Mary publicly after Mass, but the church’s pastor says the allegation is not true. …
Pope Francis urges Catholics to pray and fast for Afghanistan

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Aug 29, 2021 / 05:30 am Pope Francis on Sunday urged Christians to intensify their prayer, penance, and fasting for the situation in Afghanistan, as he entrusted the souls of those who have died to God’s mercy. “In historical moments like this we cannot remain …
Expert’s latest investigation dispels myths about Pius XII and Rome’s Jews

by Andrea Gagliarducci Rome, Italy, Aug 29, 2021 / 07:54 am Pope Pius XII was not silent in front of the Shoah nor inactive. He was, instead, very much committed to saving Jewish families, spoke out constantly against the Nazi Regime, and set up a series of formal and informal …