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Catholic News Agency
Live nativity scene (camel included) gives Catholic University students a welcome study break

by Shannon Mullen Washington D.C., Dec 12, 2021 / 22:29 pm You knew this wasn’t your average live nativity scene when you saw the camel. Delilah, to be more precise. On Sunday night, Dec. 12, she was the B.M.O.C. (Biggest Mammal on Campus) at The Catholic University of America — …
Vatican liturgy office issues guidelines for catechist ministry

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Dec 13, 2021 / 06:00 am The Vatican’s liturgy office on Monday issued a rite and guidelines for the institution of lay catechists in the dioceses of the Catholic Church. Pope Francis created the lay ministry of catechist in May with the release of the motu proprio Antiquum …
Pope Francis prays for victims of tornadoes in South and Midwest

by CNA Staff Vatican City, Dec 12, 2021 / 04:47 am Pope Francis expressed his closeness on Sunday to the victims of tornadoes that struck at least six U.S. states, killing scores of people. Speaking after his Angelus address on Dec. 12, he referred to the tornadoes that left a …
Why is Our Lady of Guadalupe patroness of the unborn?

by Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Dec 10, 2021 / 16:45 pm When Our Lady appeared to St. Juan Diego nearly 500 years ago, she came first and foremost as a mother — the mother of God, and our mother. “Listen, and let it penetrate your heart, my dear little …
‘Mary on the Mantel’? Think ‘Elf on the Shelf’, but Catholic

by Mary Farrow Denver Newsroom, Dec 9, 2021 / 15:00 pm For the past 16 years, Elf on the Shelf has become a tradition, both hated and loved, for families in the days leading up to Christmas. Based on a book and accompanying doll, the elf is a scout for …
Evidence for Dorothy Day’s sainthood cause sent to the Vatican

by Jonah McKeown New York City, N.Y., Dec 10, 2021 / 18:00 pm More than a dozen boxes containing evidence of Servant of God Dorothy Day’s reputation for holiness are on their way to the Vatican, after a Mass this week in New York City marked the end of two …
Pope Francis names new auxiliary bishop for Saint Paul-Minneapolis archdiocese

by CNA Staff Vatican City, Dec 10, 2021 / 07:40 am Pope Francis on Friday named a new auxiliary bishop for the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. The pope appointed Father Joseph A. Williams, a priest of the archdiocese, to the role on Dec. 10. The 47-year-old is the pastor of …
December 11 – Pope Saint Damasus

Saint Damasus was born in Rome at the beginning of the fourth century. His father, a widower, had received Holy Orders there and served as parish priest in the church of St. Laurence. Damasus was archdeacon of the Roman Church in 355 when the Pope, Saint Liberius, was banished to …
Man attacks DC basilica’s Our Lady of Fatima statue by cutting off hands, hammering face

by Katie Yoder Washington D.C., Dec 8, 2021 / 11:21 am Security-camera footage shows a man attacking a statue of Our Lady of Fatima by cutting off her hands and hammering at her face, according to a statement by the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in …
NY archdiocese waiting to respond to city’s private school worker vaccine mandate

by Joe Bukuras New York City, N.Y., Dec 8, 2021 / 17:05 pm The Archdiocese of New York is awaiting formal notification of the city’s mandate that private school teachers be vaccinated against COVID-19 before determining its response to the directive. “We are aware of Mayor de Blasio’s announcement regarding …