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Catholic News Agency
Spanish nuns evacuated from Ukraine: Christ was with us in the Blessed Sacrament

by ACI Prensa Madrid, Spain, Mar 3, 2022 / 16:19 pm Before war broke out in Ukraine, Sisters María, María Jesús, and Antonia of the Missionaries of the Congregation of Saint Dominic were running an after-school program in Kyiv. The three were evacuated last week, and they told the Pontifical …
Pope Francis accepts retirement of Peoria’s Bishop Jenky on 75th birthday

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Mar 3, 2022 / 05:55 am Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Bishop Daniel Jenky as head of the Catholic Diocese of Peoria, Illinois, on Thursday, the day of Jenky’s 75th birthday. Diocesan bishops are required by canon law to submit a letter of resignation …
Pope Francis on Ash Wednesday: Lent is about eternal rewards, not appearances

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome, Italy, Mar 2, 2022 / 10:57 am Pope Francis cautioned on Ash Wednesday against the temptation to allow Lenten prayer, fasting, and almsgiving to be taken over by an “illness of appearances” that cares more about earthly than eternal rewards. In a homily read by the Vatican Secretary …
Biden balks at explaining abortion stance to EWTN correspondent

by Christine Rousselle Washington D.C., Mar 2, 2022 / 13:24 pm U.S. President Joe Biden (D), a Catholic, declined to discuss why he supports abortion rights despite Church teaching prior to boarding Marine One ahead of a flight to Duluth on Wednesday, March 2. “I don’t want to get into …
Pro-abortion Women’s Health Protection Act fails in US Senate

by Katie Yoder Washington D.C., Feb 28, 2022 / 17:05 pm The U.S. Senate failed to move forward with the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) on Monday, striking down what some pro-life groups identify as the most radical abortion bill in U.S. history. The WHPA “would enshrine into federal law abortion on …
Ukraine conflict: Bomb hits Catholic diocese’s headquarters in besieged city

by CNA Staff Kharkiv, Ukraine, Mar 1, 2022 / 06:47 am A bomb struck the headquarters of a Catholic diocese on Tuesday in the besieged Ukrainian city of Kharkiv. Forty people were sheltering in the basement of the diocesan chancery when the bomb landed on March 1, but no injuries …
Focus on the goodness in others, not the flaws, Pope Francis urges

by Shannon Mullen Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Feb 27, 2022 / 11:04 am Pope Francis spoke Feb. 27 about the human tendency to focus on the faults of others, rather than our own flaws and the harmful ways we often speak to one another. In his weekly Angelus address, the pope …
How to pregame Lent: Septuagesima, Carnival, and Shrovetide

by Mary Farrow Denver, Colo., Feb 26, 2022 / 07:21 am Sunday, Feb. 27 is Septuagesima Sunday, followed by Sexagesima, and Quinquagesima Sundays. Sunday kicks off Carnival season, which comes right before Shrovetide, which culminates in Shrove Tuesday – more popularly known as Mardi Gras. If all but the last …
Michael Warsaw: ‘For the good of humanity,’ Senate must reject ‘horrific’ abortion bill

by CNA Staff Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Feb 26, 2022 / 08:22 am The U.S. Senate on Monday is scheduled to vote on a bill that would nullify state restrictions on abortion and permit unborn children to be killed even up to the moment of their birth, for any reason. Titled …
Pope Francis expresses sorrow in phone call to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Feb 26, 2022 / 12:10 pm Pope Francis on Saturday expressed his sorrow about the situation in Ukraine in a phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. According to the Ukrainian Embassy to the Holy See, Pope Francis had a conversation with Zelenskyy by phone …