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Catholic News Agency
March 8: St. John of God, Confessor

The Catholic Church celebrates the extraordinary life of St. John of God on March 8. The saint lived through decades of sin and suffering before a profound conversion that led him to embrace poverty, humility and charity. John was born in Portugal during the year 1495 to middle-class parents. Tragically, …
Brooklyn auxiliary bishop resigns at age 76

by Joe Bukuras New York City, N.Y., Mar 7, 2022 / 11:13 am The resignation of Bishop Raymond Francis Chappetto as Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn was accepted Monday by Pope Francis. “It has been an honor and a privilege for me to serve for 51 years as a priest, 10 …
How Michelangelo’s 3 Pietàs speak to a suffering world

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Mar 7, 2022 / 04:00 am As war rages in Ukraine and the pandemic lingers, Michelangelo’s celebrated Vatican Pietà — and two lesser-known figures he also sculpted — can be deeply meaningful to a pain-wracked world, says a priest and art historian. Michelangelo Buonarotti’s Pietà depicts a …
‘I will go to Ukraine, as far as I can,’ says papal envoy

by CNA Staff Lublin, Poland, Mar 7, 2022 / 05:35 am A Vatican cardinal has said that he will travel as far as he can in Ukraine to express Pope Francis’ solidarity with the suffering population. Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, the papal almoner, said he intended to enter the war-torn country …
Here’s the story behind the viral photo of Ukrainian man hugging crucifix

By Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Mar 6, 2022 / 02:00 am A photo of an unidentified man hugging a life-size crucifix in Ukraine went viral across social media platforms as Russia began its full-scale invasion of the country. The image captures a quiet moment in the midst of chaos: A darkly-clothed …
Pope Francis on Lent: Jesus is with us, even when we’re tempted

by Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Mar 6, 2022 / 08:30 am Pope Francis highlighted Jesus’ 40-day journey in the desert, where he is tempted by the devil, as an example for the faithful during Lent. “Jesus too was tempted by the devil, and he accompanies us, every one of …
March 7: Sts. Perpetua and Felicity and their Companions

Saints Perpetua and Felicity were martyrs who died for the faith around the year 203. St. Perpetua was a young, well-educated, noblewoman and mother living in the city of Carthage in North Africa. Her mother was a Christian and her father was a pagan. In terms of her faith, Perpetua …
St. Michael the Archangel is the protector of the capital of Ukraine. Here’s why

by Francesca Pollio Fenton Kyiv, Ukraine, Mar 4, 2022 / 10:10 am A statue of Saint Michael the Archangel stands in the center of Kyiv with a shield and a sword and as the protector of the capital of Ukraine and the entire country, now threatened by the invasion of …
‘I believe I’m holding Mary’s hand,’ says Catholic journalist chronicling war in Kyiv

by Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Mar 5, 2022 / 02:00 am A Catholic Ukrainian journalist is documenting day-to-day life in Ukraine following Russia’s invasion of the country — and sharing her faith in God along the way. “These days, I fall asleep with the rosary in my hands and …
March 5: Saint John Joseph of the Cross

Self-denial is never an end in itself but is only a help toward greater charity—as the life of Saint John Joseph shows. John Joseph was very ascetic even as a young man. He devoted himself even at his youngest years to a life of poverty and fasting. At 16 he …