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Catholic News Agency
September 15: Our Lady of Sorrows

The feast of Our Lady of Sorrows commemorates the seven great sorrows which Mary lived in relation to Her Son, as they are recorded in the Gospels or through Tradition. Today we are invited to reflect on Mary’s deep suffering: 1. At the prophecy of Simeon: “You yourself shall be …
September 13: St. John Chrysostom, Bishop, Doctor of the Church (Memorial)

“If the Lord should give you power to raise the dead, He would give much less than He does when he bestows suffering. By miracles you would make yourself debtor to Him, while by suffering He may become debtor to you. And even if sufferings had no other reward than …
September 9: St. Peter Claver

On Sept. 9, the Catholic Church celebrates St. Peter Claver, a Jesuit missionary who spent his life in the service of African slaves brought against their will to South America during the 17th century. Peter Claver was born into a farming family in the Spanish region of Catalonia during 1581. …
Rash of attacks on Catholic churches prompts $1 million ad campaign from Catholic Vote

by Kelsey Wicks Denver Newsroom, Aug 19, 2022 / 19:14 pm Catholic Vote has launched a $1 million dollar ad campaign against Catholic President Joe Biden in response to the Department of Justice’s inaction in the face of violent attacks against pro-life organizations and Catholic churches after the leaked draft …
Catholic food pantries struggle with demand as inflation soars

by Jonah McKeown, Katie Yoder CNA Newsroom, Aug 20, 2022 / 12:30 pm Amid the highest levels of inflation seen in the United States in four decades, food pantries across the country — many of which are run by Catholics — are seeing an increased demand for their services. Catholic food …
Back-to-school in Uvalde means Catholic school scholarships for hurting families

by Kevin J. Jones Denver Newsroom, Aug 18, 2022 / 12:00 pm The school shooting that rocked Uvalde, Texas continues to affect young children and their families. As these families try to recover, a Catholic charity with a longtime link to the area has funded 30 scholarships so that students …
The relics St. Helena brought to Rome from the Holy Land

by Hannah Brockhaus Rome Newsroom, Aug 18, 2022 / 04:00 am On Aug. 18, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of St. Helena. The mother of Constantine the Great, St. Helena is believed to have restored many sites in the Holy Land, where she discovered the cross on which Christ …
Bianca Jagger implores Pope Francis to aid persecuted Catholic Church in Nicaragua

by Edie Heipel Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Aug 16, 2022 / 14:00 pm Human rights activist Bianca Jagger is raising awareness of the Nicaraguan regime’s oppression of the Catholic Church, calling on Pope Francis to condemn the government’s targeted attacks on the faithful. In a statement earlier this week, Jagger said …
Doctor says Boston gender clinic mutilates and sterilizes children

by Edie Heipel Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Aug 15, 2022 / 17:00 pm Controversy erupted last week when news of Boston Children’s Hospital’s Gender Clinic for kids took over social media, prompting outrage over the hospital’s “first of its kind” program to facilitate sex-changes for children in the form of hormone …
‘The Atlantic’ publishes article on the rosary as symbol of far-right, violent extremism

by Zelda Caldwell Washington D.C., Aug 15, 2022 / 16:06 pm An article published Sunday in The Atlantic magazine suggests the rosary has become a symbol of violent, right-wing extremism in the United States. The article set off a frenzy of reactions among Catholics, ranging from amusement to grave concern over what …