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The Catholic Telegraph
Home: A Place of Connection & Faith

August’s arrival means summer is wrapping up. Vacations are over and we’re headed back to routine, with a little more structure than a month ago. Our noses are back at the grindstone for work, school and practices—and that means busyness. Days fly between August and May, with us dashing between …
Su Casa Hipanic Center’s 25th Annual Awards Dinner & Silent Auction

CINCINNATI – July 25, 2022 – Su Casa Hispanic Center, a program of Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio, continues its legacy in serving the most vulnerable new neighbors in Greater Cincinnati. Su Casa began as a ministry led by Fr. Joe Nelson and parishioners from St. Charles Borromeo (“San Carlos”) Catholic …
Navigating Engagement with Peace, Joy, and Gratitude

Preparing to marry the love of your life and enter into your vocation is an exciting time of life! Along with that excitement, however, can also come a lot of unexpected stress and preoccupation. How do we best prepare ourselves for marriage? When should we get married? What should the …
Knowledge, Procreation & the Primordial Sacrament

This article is part of an ongoing series on Pope St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body (TOB). In recent articles, we reflected on the logic of gift and the spousal meaning of the body. Our very existence is a gift from God that He lovingly gives us at …
To Be Barely Touched By Jesus

I’m always reflective at 3:00 a.m. Recently up at that early hour because the baby wasn’t sleeping, I wasn’t with the baby. The baby was with my wife, nursing fitfully. I was downstairs in the recliner, trying to sleep, having just stormed out of the bedroom because, of all things, …
Eucharistic Adoration: A Refuge from the World

“And when I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to myself” (Jn. 12:32). Our Lord is lifted up multiple times during His Paschal Mystery: He is raised up on the cross, He is lifted up when He rises from the dead and He is lifted up …
Book Review: How Beautiful the World Could Be

Writing and reading good homilies is a rich theological and literary tradition due for revival. Good preaching has always been worthy of a wide audience (think of the Cappadocians, St. Augustine, St. John Henry Newman), and today’s best preaching contributes to that tradition. Gratitude is due to Eerdmans Publishing for …