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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

MARIA STEIN, Ohio (February 10, 2023) – Mark your calendar to join us on March 14th & 23rd for our Adoration Guild Lenten Learning Series on What We Do and Use at Mass. Both sessions will be held in the Shrine’s Adoration Chapel and begin at 10:00am. They are free …

CINCINNATI – Purcell Marian High School is pleased to announce Staubach Stadium as the name of their planned athletic complex, slated to open in the Fall of 2023. “We are thrilled to have Marianne and Roger Staubach’s support in the naming of this stadium. There isn’t a Cavalier today who …

On Feb. 10, the Catholic Church remembers St. Scholastica, a nun who was the twin sister of St. Benedict, the “father of monasticism” in Western Europe. The siblings were born around 480 to a Roman noble family in Nursia, Italy. Scholastica seems to have devoted herself to God from her …

PDF: 202202-St_ScholasticaTemplate This past May, we joined people across the Archdiocese on the longest U.S. Marian procession and pilgrimage. Stretching nearly 350 miles over 36 days, it touched thousands of lives. On the final day, we prepared to walk the last two miles from Holy Cross-Immaculata to the Cathedral Basilica …

Jesus has some powerful things to say about the Eucharist in the sixth chapter of John’s Gospel: “The bread which I shall give for the life of the world is my flesh” (Jn. 6:51). “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life” (Jn. 6:54). “For my …

All too often we hear of tragedies in the world, but are at a loss as to how we can help—especially when events happen in other states or halfway across the globe. Being part of the Church both grants us access to a helpful network and calls us to reach …

Badin High School junior Paige Harris earned a first place award and four other BHS students received honors in the annual “Tomorrow’s Artists Today” competition at the Middletown Arts Center. In all, 23 Badin artists had 41 pieces of artwork juried into the annual exhibition in Middletown. “This is always …

Summit Country Day (Courtesy Photo)
Fifteen seniors enrolled in the Schiff Family Science Research Institute (SRI) at The Summit Country Day School recently completed a rigorous scientific research program begun during their junior year. SRI is a two-year program that offers the chance for students to gain field experience in the sciences; seniors worked alongside …

There were many absolutes in the Catholic Church’s teachings, but now it seems like there is much more flexibility and even changes to things we believed. What happened? It is not unusual to hear, often through the media, that Church teachings have been altered. Such reports are usually overstated, though …

ADRIAN, MICHIGAN—January 23, 2023—Sister Helen Hankerd, formerly known as Sister Mary Ingrid, died on Friday, January 20, 2023, at the Dominican Life Center in Adrian, Michigan. She was 93 years of age and in the 74th year of her religious profession in the Adrian Dominican Congregation. Sister Helen was born …