Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Lent: Going Back to God

We Catholics are wild about signs and symbols. We make the Sign of the Cross whenever we pray, worship, enter the church, walk through a cemetery, or even step up to the plate at a baseball game. We wear symbols of our faith on our ears and around our necks; …
Out and About in the Archdiocese for February 2023

1) Students Explore Ursuline History Saint Ursula Academy freshmen spent a class period in the Ursulines of Cincinnati Archives, where they learned about the women who were instrumental in founding the Academy and carrying on the legacy of academic excellence. 2) Mary Statue Restored at The Summit A wooden statue …
Helping Earthquake Victims in Turkey and Syria

On February 6, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake devastated large areas of central Turkey and northwest Syria. The death toll has surpassed 22,000 and continues to climb. The earthquake is the worst to strike Turkey this century. Later that day, the region experienced a second magnitude 7.7 quake. Across affected areas …
Original Shame Part I

As we have been exploring the nature and effects of original sin on humanity, it is now time to plunge into the reality of shame, with the help of Pope St. John Paul II. We could hope for no better guide. As a poet, pastor, philosopher and theologian, he reflected …
United to Heal the World

For many years the earth’s weather patterns have been shifting: stronger storms, prolonged droughts, intensifying heat waves, rising sea levels and more. Most of us in the Midwest are blessed to not be significantly affected, although we haven’t been immune—especially those involved in agriculture. Much of the world, however, has …
Did you Know St. Anthony Friary

1880 Joseph and Elizabeth Nurre bought a country estate at the top of Mt. Airy and donated it to the Franciscan friars. 1888 Cornerstone laid, building constructed, friars moved in. 1889 Archbishop Elder consecrated the chapel on Thanksgiving Day. The large Romanesque brick chapel (which fronts the attached friary and …
Daniel Rudd: “The Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man”

by Sarah Ater Daniel Rudd can be counted as one of the most influential Catholics during his time in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Indeed, his influence reached throughout the U.S. A man of deep faith, zeal for justice and untiring activity, Rudd founded the American Catholic Tribune (ACT), the first …
Father Clarence Rivers

Father Clarence J. Rivers was the first Black priest ordained in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. He is a nationally known figure in Catholic music and liturgy and was an iconic figure for the Black Catholic community throughout the country. Father Rivers died in 2004, but his influence is still perceptible …
Mary, Cincy, and an Immortal Phrase

Purcell Alumni Roger Staubach originated “Hail Mary” pass In 1975, a devout Catholic athlete from Cincinnati and the Mother of Christ connected on the gridiron. Roger Staubach, star Dallas Cowboys quarterback and Cincinnati Purcell High School graduate, was 50 yards from pay-dirt with 24 seconds to play in a National …
February 11: Our Lady of Lourdes

On Feb. 11, the Catholic Church celebrates the liturgical memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes, recalling a series of 18 appearances that the Blessed Virgin Mary made to a 14-year-old French peasant girl, Saint Bernadette Soubirous. The Marian apparitions began Feb. 11, 1858, ended July 16 that year and received …