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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 By David Eck  CATHEDRAL DEANERY — Parishioners and visitors to Holy Cross-Immaculata Parish closed the community’s 150th anniversary Dec. 12 with a Mass that celebrated the faith community’s rich history and traditions.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010 By Father Earl Fernandes Duc in altum. “Put out into the deep” (Luke 5:4).  Jesus’ words served as the beginning and end of Pope John Paul II’s apostolic letter Novo Millenio Ineunte, which he wrote to close the Great Jubilee. The Holy Father challenged the whole …

Tuesday, December 14, 2010 By Sister Betty J. Lillie, S.C. Fourth Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 7:10-14; Romans 1:1-7;  Matthew 1:18-24 Without a doubt the Advent season is a time of great excitement and busyness for all who await the coming of the Christmas celebration. Our readings this week begin and …

Dec. 10, 2010   By Jeanne Hunt   I ran into an angel the other day. I don’t mean a human being who is a good person. I mean a real, card-carrying angel. You know, ethereal beings of light that are here to help us.  It was in the mall. …

Dec. 10, 2010   By David Eck DAYTON DEANERY — In the rooms of the former convent at St. Anthony Parish in east Dayton there are rows of baby cribs, tiny chairs and tables, and playmats for infants. Those items aren’t typically found in most parish facilities, but they are …

Dec. 7, 2010   By Eileen Connelly, OSU  EL SALVADOR — Dozens of colleagues, friends and relatives of the four U.S. churchwomen slain in El Salvador — Ursuline Sister Dorothy Kazel, Maryknoll Sisters Maura Clarke and Ita Ford, and lay missionary Jean Donovan — came together last week at a …

Dec. 7, 2010   DAYTON DEANERY — Mary, Help of Christians Church in Fairborn was filled Nov. 30, and hundreds of people lined the streets during the Mass of Christian Burial for U.S. Army Specialist Jesse Snow, who was killed Nov. 14 when insurgents attacked his Army unit in the …

Dec. 8, 2010 By Paul McKibben ST. LAWRENCE DEANERY — A group at Elder High School in Cincinnati is helping to develop young men spiritually while also aiding the community.  Elder’s Spiritual Boosters began for freshmen in 2004, “formed to teach the boys about male spirituality. We figured out the …

  Dec. 7, 2010 Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Mary Declan Browne died Nov. 27 at the age of 86 at Mother Margaret Hall, the nursing facility of the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati. A native of Ashland, Ky., she was a Sister of Charity for 55 years. She earned a …

Dec. 2, 2010 By Eileen Connelly, OSU ARCHDIOCESE — Franciscan Father Pat McCloskey has been responding to peoples’ questions about Catholic faith and practices in his column “Ask a Franciscan,” featured in St. Anthony Messenger magazine, for years. A new book, Ask a Franciscan: Answers to Catholic Questions (St. Anthony …