Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Walking in the footsteps of martyrs: Missionaries in today’s El Salvador say it is a holy place
January 11, 2011 By Eileen Connelly Last December The Catholic Telegraph reported on the series of memorial events commemorating the 30th anniversary of four churchwomen slain in El Salvador on Dec. 2, 1980. But there is an important footnote to that story: In the decades since Ursuline Sister Dorothy …
Local news briefs
ARCHDIOCESE Prayer for Vocation Awareness Week Vocation Awareness Week concludes on Saturday, Jan. 15. In a letter to pastors, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr noted that the week’s theme focuses on “the disciples’ request of Jesus to ‘Teach us how to pray.’ In that vein, I would like to introduce a …
Parish hosts Martha Dinner for young women
January 13, 2011 By Eileen Connelly, OSU ST. FRANCIS DE SALES DEANERY — On a chilly early fall evening a small group of young women gathered with representatives from several area religious communities to hear their vocation stories and discern their own possible call to consecrated life.
The Roman Missal: the church’s common treasure
January 6, 2011 By Lynn Williams ARCHDIOCESE — The Roman Missal, Third Edition, the ritual text containing prayers and instructions for the celebration of the Mass, has been approved by the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments. First use of the new text of the new …
Vendor’s business booms during summer months
January 6, 2011 By David Eck ARCHDIOCESE — Peter Bigner doesn’t work in emergency services or the medical field, but he is a lifeline nonetheless for those who run games at parish festivals. Bigner, owner of Ace Toys in Reading, spends most summer weekends on call ready to fix a …
Food safety key for festival planners, cooks
January 6, 2011 By David Eck ARCHDIOCESE — At Our Lady of Lourdes Parish festival each summer cooks in the food booth use three freezers and two refrigerators to keep the burgers, chicken and other foods cold before they hit the grill. A hand washing station with soap and water …
World Peace Day Masses celebrated in archdiocese
January 5, 2011 ARCHDIOCESE — Several hundred people gathered in both Cincinnati and Dayton Jan. 1 for Masses celebrating the 44th annual World Day of Peace.
Sunday Scripture: The lessons of baptism
January 5, 2011 By Timothy P. Schehr Baptism of the Lord: Isaiah 42:1-7; Acts 10:34-38;Matthew 3:13-17 Many of us have no memory of baptism. We see it only infaded photographs taken by proud parents or other family members. But thisfeast of the Baptism of the Lord offers us the chance …
The Catholic Moment – Prayer, the heart of vocation
January 4, 2011 By Father Kyle Schnippel “Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught His disciples.” The apostles had witnessed the deep communion that existed between Jesus and His heavenly Father, and, as holiness does, it attracted them. Seeing that peace that comes from that personal connection, they wanted …
Sister Armin Cooper
January 4, 2011 A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Armin Cooper was celebrated Dec. 23 in the Immaculate Conception Chapel at the congregation’s Delhi Township motherhouse. Sister Armin, 89, died Dec. 20 at Mother Margaret Hall. She was a Sister of Charity for 71 years.