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The Catholic Telegraph
Sunday Scripture: Signs of new life at Easter
April 21, 2011 By Father Timothy Schehr Easter Sunday: Acts 10:34-43; Colossians 3:1-4 or 1 Corinthians 5:6-8; John 20:1-9. As we make our way to our parishes this Sunday morning we will probably notice signs of life. For weeks now the earth has been taking on more color; the sounds …
The Catholic Moment: Our intellectual tradition
April 21, 2011 By Michael Daley Visiting my brother in North Carolina, my niece came out of a farmer’s market carrying some calypso beans. She generously offered them to her relatives, and we were struck by the various black and white patterns (very similar to yin and yang) on them.
Easter Mass listings
April 13, 2011 ARCHDIOCESE — Last Sept. 10, William A. Gavin, president of the Gavin Group Inc., wrote the following to Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr: “The purpose of this letter is to advise you that the information requested of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for the recent data collection audit …
Sunday Scripture: The contrasts in the Passion narrative
April 13, 2011 By Father Timothy Schehr Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion: Isaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11; Matthew 26:14 –27:66.
Archdiocese of Cincinnati is in compliance with Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People
April 13, 2011 ARCHDIOCESE — Last Sept. 10, William A. Gavin, president of the Gavin Group Inc., wrote the following to Cincinnati Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr: “The purpose of this letter is to advise you that the information requested of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati for the recent data collection audit …
The Catholic Moment: Experiencing Holy Week
April 13, 2011 By Father Earl Fernandes Each year the church calls us to remember the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus in ritual, music and readings. We have all grown up with the long reading of the Passion of Christ from the Gospels, the carrying of the palm in …
Cake, balloons and Mass celebrate the birth of Marianist founder
April 13, 2011 By Mary Caffrey Knapke DAYTON DEANERY — “Blessed William Joseph Chaminade faced many challenges in his life, and he faced all of them with great courage. He found the source of his courage and strength in the Blessed Virgin Mary,” Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr said April 8 …
Everyday Evangelists: St. Max parishioner shares love of books with Ugandan students
April 13, 2011 By David Eck ST. ANDREW DEANERY — Molly Savage grew up loving books and has come to appreciate the way a good story takes her to places she may never see in person.
Children’s choirs perform at cathedral
April 13, 2011 CATHEDRAL DEANERY — The Saturday evening liturgy at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains March 12 was particularly joyful as seven children’s choirs from dioceses across Ohio provided music for the Mass.
New bishop celebrates Mass at his alma mater
April 13, 2011 ST. MARGARET MARY DEANERY — The Mass had long been planned: As part of its 50-year anniversary, La Salle High School in Cincinnati wished to celebrate the vocations it has helped cultivate. What had not been planned was that one of these men would have been named …