Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Area faith leaders, groups address immigration issue
August 10, 2011 By Eileen Connelly, OSU ARCHDIOCESE — Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr joined with other faith leaders within the Metropolitan Area Religious Coalition of Cincinnati (MARCC) June 23 to publicly announce their shared principles and lend a moral voice to guide Ohio’s conversation on immigration.
Catholic Moment: What Keeps Me Catholic? What keeps me Catholic? My daughters
August 10, 2011 By Michael Daley I had just stopped the mower to talk with my neighbor, Dan, when his son excitedly called from a few houses down, “Dad, they tied it.”
Sunday Scripture: The challenge of new ideas
August 14, 2011 By Terrence Callan Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time: Isaiah 56:1, 6-7; Romans 11:13-15, 29-32; Matthew 15:21-28It can be difficult to give up ideas we have had for a long time and accept new ideas in their place. Admitting that we have been wrong in our past thinking …
Program helps priests be ‘Good Leaders, Good Shepherds’
August 10, 2011 By Eileen Connelly, OSU ARCHDIOCESE — Amid the challenges of a diminishing number of clergy and the complexities of priestly ministry today, the Good Leaders, Good Shepherds program is helping priests to strengthen their leadership skills and day-to-day ministry as they lead members of their parish communities …
Sunday Scripture: Finding God by facing fear
August 7, 2011 By Terrance Callan Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time: 1 Kings 19:9a, 11-13a; Romans 9:1-5; Matthew 14:22-33 It is natural to avoid the things we fear and to reject what does not make sense to us. But sometimes we can only find God by confronting what frightens us …
Efforts to care for God’s creation continue in archdiocese
August 1, 2011 By Mike Dyer ARCHDIOCESE — Caring for creation continues to remain a focus of the ministry of the archdiocesan Catholic Social Action Office, and the archdiocesan Climate Change Task Force has been educating area Catholics about a variety of related issues.
Experiences in Haiti shape author’s faith
July 28, 2011 By Kathy Schwartz ARCHDIOCESE — Mark Curnutte, a Cincinnati Enquirer writer who has pored over thousands of statistics in his career, has to pause after sharing this: Globally, 25,000 people a day die of hunger.