Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
CWC marks annual Day of Recollection
September 16, 2011 DAYTON DEANERY — The Dayton Catholic Women’s Club (DCWC), an affiliate of the National Council of Catholic Women, distributed $14,000 in profits from last year’s fundraisers to the following recipients: St. Agnes Outreach, Daybreak, St. Marys Development Corporation, Oasis, Catholic Social Services, Elizabeth New Life Center, Learning …
The Cursillo method: a spiritual journey in friendship
September 15, 2011 ARCHDIOCESE — Cursillo is a Spanish word meaning “little lesson.” The little lesson it provides is one that expands over time.
Archdiocese remembers 9/11
September 13, 2011 ARCHDIOCESE — The annual Blue Mass, celebrated at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains Sept. 11, was an opportunity to recognize local safety personnel, along with honoring the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice during the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr …
Lifting things up to the Lord
September 14, 2011 By Eileen Connelly, OSU ST. LAWRENCE DEANERY – Little Carson Kissell’s engaging personality and wide smile light up the room when one meets him. During a visit with him in May, the 4-year-old was happy to make a new friend and share his books and toys, and …
Rosary garden offers place for remembrance, prayer
September 13, 2011 By Patricia McGeever ST. LAWRENCE DEANERY — Members of St. Antoninus Parish in Covedale have a new and permanent way to honor their deceased loved ones. Their names can now be etched into a limestone plaque and placed in one of the walls in the new Rosary …
Mass Times

Sunday November 8, 2015 Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time 1 KGS 17: 10-16 (“The jar of flour should not go empty, nor the jug of oil run dry, until the day when the LORD sends rains upon the earth.”) PS 146: 7, 8-9, 9-10: (Praise the Lord,my soul!) HEB 9: 24-28: (Beloved, we …
Dayton Family Rosary Rally scheduled
September 12, 2011 DAYTON DEANERY — The seventh annual Family Rosary Rally will be held the University of Dayton Arena on Sunday, Oct. 9, from 2:30-4:30 p.m. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph R. Binzer will officiate at the event, which is coordinated by the Knights of Columbus.
Faith leaders to gather for conference on non-violence
September 12. 2011 DAYTON DEANERY — Area faith leaders will gather to consider new approaches to non-violence Saturday, Sept. 24 at the University of Dayton Law School. Weavers of Justice, a collaborative of 31 parishes and Catholic organizations, including the archdicocesan Catholic Social Action Office, are sponsoring the event.
Red Mass to be celebrated at cathedral
September 12, 2011 CATHEDRAL DEANERY — The annual Red Mass, celebrated during alternate years in either Cincinnati or Covington, is scheduled for Oct. 9, 11 a.m. at the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, with Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr as the primary celebrant.
Catholic Family Fuel: Strong Catholic families make strong Catholics
September 12, 2011 By Sean Reynolds, Colleen Gerke and Ken Gleason This article is the first in an ongoing series written to assist and support parents in their vital role as leaders of their domestic churches. If our children are to grow up as strong Catholics, it will most …