Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Archdiocese reaches out to tornado survivors
March 14, 2012 When a line of severe weather invaded southwestern Ohio and northern Kentucky March 2, the damage was as severe as it was unexpected.
Knights of Columbus salute religious vocations
March 8, 2012 ARCHDIOCESE — The Greater Cincinnati Chapter of the Knights of Columbus held its biennial Salute to Religious Vocations dinner Feb. 9 in the undercroft of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains.
Sunday Scripture: The meaning of ‘God’s house’
March 9, 2012 By Father Timothy P. Schehr Third Sunday of Lent: Exodus 20:1-17; 1 Corinthians 1:22-25; John 2:13-25
Sister Mary Linus Bax
A Mass of Christian Burial for Precious Blood Sister Mary Linus Bax was celebrated Feb. 8 at Salem Heights Chapel in Dayton.
Sister Margaret Mary McCullough
A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Margaret Mary (Marge) McCullough was celebrated Feb. 8 in the congregation’s motherhouse chapel.
Maureen Maguire
A Mass of Christian Burial for Maureen Maguire was celebrated Feb. 28 at Sacred Heart Church in Fairfield. Maguire, 81, died Feb. 22.
Father Bruno Holtz, Catholic communications leader, dies in Switzerland
March 8, 2012 By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) –Father Bruno Holtz, who devoted nearly 40 years of his life to promoting professionalism and building strong connections among Catholic journalists and communicators worldwide, died Feb. 29.
Carroll High School celebrates 50 years of education and faith
March 8, 2012 By Eileen Connelly, OSU DAYTON — Since the doors to Carroll High School in Dayton were first opened to students on Sept. 6, 1961, the school has maintained a tradition of deep faith and excellence in Catholic education.
Pastor seeks donations for local tornado victims
Fr. Mike Leshney (pastor of St. Peter Parish, New Richmond and of St. Mary Parish, Bethel) has parishioners in the tornado-devastated area of Moscow, Ohio.
Ministries help students make Catholic connection at college
March 7, 2012 By Patricia McGeever When Stephanie Lochtefeld arrived on the University of Cincinnati campus as a freshman last year, she had a vague idea of where she’d attend Mass.