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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

March 27, 2012 By David Agren, Catholic News Service SILAO, Mexico (CNS) – Pope Benedict XVI bade Mexico a warm “adios,” emphasizing he meant, “Remain with God,” concluding a trip marked by outpourings of faith and affection from people in the world’s second-most populous Catholic country.  

March 27, 2012 By Catholic News Service SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Cuba (CNS) – Pope Benedict XVI began his three days in Cuba with a call for greater freedom and human rights, including increased liberty for the Catholic Church to proclaim the Gospel and serve the Cuban people.  

March 27, 2012 By Francis X. Rocca, Catholic News Service SANTIAGO DE CUBA, Cuba (CNS) – Celebrating an outdoor Mass on his first day in Cuba, Pope Benedict XVI acknowledged the struggles of the country’s Catholics after half a century of communism and described human freedom as a necessity for …

March 23, 2012 By Steve Trosley, CT Editor At least 500 people attended a prayer rally in a steady spring rain to protest the HHS Mandate requiring free contraception and sterilization services from all health care insurance plans without religious exemption.  

March 22, 2012 On March 8, Catholic Inner-City Schools Education  (CISE) Fund held its annual volunteer appreciation event at St. Francis de Sales School celebrating the success of the 2011 campaign.  

March 16, 2012 By Father Timothy P. Schehr Fourth Sunday of Lent: 2 Chronicles 36:14-23; Ephesians 2:4-10; John 3:14-21 Only once every three years do we hear from Chronicles on a Sunday. But the wait is certainly worthwhile. This first reading provides the perfect summary of God’s ways with the …

March 16, 2012 By Nancy Frazier O’Brien, Catholic News Service WASHINGTON (CNS) – Declaring themselves “strongly unified and intensely focused,” the nation’s top Catholic bishops vowed to continue their multipronged defense of religious liberty in the courts, Congress and the White House.  

March 14, 2012 When a line of severe weather invaded southwestern Ohio and northern Kentucky March 2, the damage was as severe as it was unexpected.    

March 8, 2012 ARCHDIOCESE — The Greater Cincinnati Chapter of the Knights of Columbus held its biennial Salute to Religious Vocations dinner Feb. 9 in the undercroft of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains.

March 9, 2012 By Father Timothy P. Schehr Third Sunday of Lent: Exodus 20:1-17; 1 Corinthians 1:22-25; John 2:13-25