Author Archive
The Catholic Telegraph
Exonerated death row inmate shares experiences with area Catholics
May 1, 2012 By Mike Dyer A few days before Easter, Joe D’Ambrosio started yet another chapter in his life when he was hired as a maintenance employee at St. Clarence Parish in North Olmsted, Ohio.
Sinners restored to great dignity
May 1, 2012 By Father Earl Fernandes They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken …
What keeps me Catholic? Bumper stickers
May 1, 2012 By Michael Daley On a daily basis I encounter them — disturbing, startling, discomforting, angering, humorous, ironic, sarcastic, irreverent, damning, uplifting, and insightful words and images. Though you may be led to think that I’m referring to the newspaper, television, books, or a billboard as the source, …
Get the lead out and stop staring
May 1, 2012 By Jeanne Hunt The Gospel for the Feast of the Ascension is for go-getters — not for lazy believers with lead-feet disease. In this Gospel reading the angels offer us the timeless question, “Why do you stand here looking into the sky?” In other words, they prod …
Seeking an answer to the question, “Now what?”
May 1, 2012 By Father Kyle Schnippel There are so many wonderful things that we celebrate during the Easter season, it is so difficult to pick out different memories or thoughts and keep them from blending into one seamless fabric of thoughts.
Catholic Family Fuel: The key elements of a happy union
May 1, 2012 By Sean Reynolds “The State of our Unions” is the title of a December 2011 research report from the National Marriage Project of the Institute for American Values and the University of Virginia. The researchers set out to answer these three questions: “Is it emotionally easier to …
Partnership unites parishes in social action
April 30, 2012 Two parishes signed a “Covenant Partnership” on Epiphany Sunday bringing together two unlikely partners, Our Lady of Visitation, a predominately white parish from the west side of Hamilton County, and St. Leo, a small inner city parish whose members include immigrants from Guatemala and Burundi.
Stories of martyrs approach modern reality
April 30, 2012 By Stephen Trosley They were publically humiliated, stripped of their property, imprisoned, tortured and dragged into the arena to be savaged by wild animals. Some were crucified and others were tested by fire. Those who survived were treated as outcasts.
Sunday Scripture: I am the vine, you are the branches,
April 27, 2012 By Sister Betty Jane Lillie, SC Fifth Sunday of Easter: Acts 9:26-31; Psalm 22: 26-27, 28, 30, 31-32; 1 John 3:18-24; John 15:1-8 The readings for this week focus on the early church and explicate the themes that drew the community’s life together in the resurrected …
Thousands attend Catholic Schools Unity Mass in Dayton
By Steve Trosley DAYTON – More than 9,000 students from more than 30 Catholic schools in the 12 northernmost counties of the archdiocese gathered in Dayton Wednesday morning for the first annual Unity Mass.