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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

June 4, 2012 By Patricia McGeever Growing up on the family dairy farm in Defiance County, Ohio, Margaret Singer didn’t have much contact with Spanish-speaking people. But, the strong Catholic faith instilled in her by her parents, her older sister’s insistence that she learn Spanish, along with a stint in …

June 1, 2012 By Jeanne Hunt As friends and neighbors planted their summer gardens, I realized that “ideal growing conditions” apply to people as well as seeds.

June 1, 2012 By Father Earl Fernandes Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is an ancient way within the church to discover, know and understand who Jesus is as Son of God and one of us.  

June 1, 2012 By Father Kyle Schnippel A few weeks ago, I had to be on Long Island for a meeting with a few other vocation directors to talk about some national strategies and plans that affect all of us who toil in this field.

June 1, 2012 By Michael Daley Though I am involved in it now, growing up I never participated in Cub Scouts. Merit badges, camp songs, numerous knots, nature hikes, and official uniforms were not part of my childhood years.

June 1, 2012 By Bonnie Mack “The family exists at the heart of all societies. It is the first and most basic community to which every person belongs. There is nothing more fundamental to our vitality as a society and as a Church. For, in the words of John Paul …

May 31, 2012 When Badin High School students are asked what they would change about the school, frequently the answer is, “Add air conditioning …”

May 31, 2012 By Natalie Corzine Moore Photographer Robert Flischel wants local Catholics to join him on a “Pilgrimage of Light.”  

May 30, 2012 By Steve Trosley “What’s in a name?” the Bard asked in “Romeo and Juliet.”

May 30, 2012 By Eileen Connelly, OSU It’s been nearly a year since the boy from Groesbeck was ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Cincinnati. As the first anniversary of his episcopal ordination approaches on June 9, it is an opportunity for Bishop Joseph R. Binzer to reflect on his vocation and …