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The Catholic Telegraph
National Anti-Hazing Day, September 6: Area Colleges Gather at Xavier
September 4, 2012 Research by a Franklin College professor found at least one student has died from hazing each year since 1970.
Coldwater Catholic faces Tourette’s syndrome with faith
September 4, 2012 By Bruce Holtgren COLDWATER — Frank Bonifas has been cursed, yet blessed, with one of the most profoundly severe cases of Tourette’s syndrome ever recorded.
Sister Mary Yvonne Voisard
A Mass of Christian Burial for Precious Blood Sister Mary Yvonne Voisard was celebrated Aug. 1 at Salem Heights Chapel in Dayton. Sister Mary Yvonne, 94, died July 29 at Emma Hall in the Maria Joseph Living Care Center in Dayton. She had been a Sister of the Precious Blood …
Sister Maura Guilfoyle
A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Notre Dame de Namur Maura Guilfoyle was celebrated Aug. 14 at St. Julie Chapel at Mount Notre Dame Convent in Cincinnati. Sister Maura, 94, died Aug. 9 at the Mount Notre Dame Health Center.
Sister Elizabeth Mast
A Mass of Christian Burial for Franciscan Sister of the Poor Elizabeth Mast was celebrated July 3 at St. Clare Convent Chapel in Hartwell. Sister Elizabeth, 89, died July 1.
Sister Mary Ammann
A Mass of Christian Burial for Franciscan Sister Mary Ammann was celebrated July 20 at the motherhouse chapel of the Sisters of St. Francis, Oldenburg, Ind. Sister Mary, 94, died July 18 at St. Clare Hall, the congregation’s health care facility.
Brother Frank Deibel
A Mass of Christian Burial for Marianist Brother Frank Deibel was celebrated Aug. 4 at the Immaculate Conception Chapel at the University of Dayton. Brother Frank, 103, died July 30 at Mercy Siena Gardens.
St. Mary Parish in Arheim celebrates 175 years of faith
September 6, 2012 By Eileen Connelly, OSU St. Mary Parish in Arnheim, one of the oldest parishes in the state of Ohio, marked its 175th anniversary June 10 with a special Mass at which Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr presided. Concelebrating the Mass were a number of priests who have served …
Pastoral region plan mitigates loss of pastor
September 2, 2012 By Jeanne Hunt Special to The Catholic Telegraph St Simon the Apostle Catholic Church, 825 Pontius Road in Delhi is beginning a new chapter and change is in the air.
Poor Clare Sisters celebrate anniversary of founding
September 2, 2012 By Patricia McGeever When Chiara di Offreduccio ran away from home to live a life of poverty and prayer, she probably never imagined that her decision would trigger a series of events that would be cause for celebration.