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The Catholic Telegraph

The Catholic Telegraph

Founded in 1831, The Catholic Telegraph is the official news source of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

September 24, 2012 Catholic News Service SHKODER, Albania — Albanian Catholic leaders warned they would excommunicate anyone involved in the traditional “gjakmarrja,” or blood feud, after complaints of worsening violence.  

September 24, 2012 Catholic News Service WASHINGTON —Determining what to spend taxpayer money on is being scrutinized this presidential election cycle perhaps more closely than in elections past even as the overriding concerns are jobs and building a robust economy.  

September 24, 2012 Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — A majority of white working-class Catholics – 56 percent – think abortion should be legal in all or most cases, according to a survey by the Public Religion Research Institute.  

September 21, 2012 Communities of Catholic Sisters based in Ohio and Kentucky are calling on President Barack Obama and Congress to work together to enact comprehensive immigration reform and state legislators to refrain from passing laws that would restrict the human rights of immigrants.  

In the Name of the Church: Vocation and Authorization of Lay Ecclesial Ministry, edited by William Cahoy. Liturgical Press (Collegeville, Minn., 2012). 221 pp., $19.95.  

NEW YORK — A story with a Christian message is a rare and compelling gem for Catholic viewers in today’s Hollywood culture. At the same time, a film that leads first with a positive message, and merely tacks the story on as an afterthought, is one set to leave even …

NEW YORK  — The first story sounds as old as the Book of Exodus: A mother and father, fearing his annihilation by a sinister force, place their newborn son in a vessel they hope will transport him to safety. Adopted by a completely different family, he grows up to deliver …

September 21, 2012 Catholic News Service JACKSON, Miss.  — Seventeen bishops, dozens of priests and a congregation of about 1,000 people gathered Sept. 16 at Thalia Mara Hall in Jackson to celebrate the 175th anniversary of the Catholic Diocese of Jackson.  

September 19, 2012 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, What would it look like for the Catholic community in the United States to “win” an election? On the surface, it may seem unsuitable for people of faith to ask such a question. Regardless, it is a question many seem to …

September 14, 2012 Special to The Catholic Telegraph       Forty-nine students in Catholic High Schools in the Archdiocese have been named semifinalists for the National Merit Scholarship this year.      Each year, the National Merit Scholarship recognizes academically talented seniors across the United States. In order to …